Friday, November 17, 2017


For those of you who will be in the Los Angeles area this Sunday, the nice folks at the CTN Animation Expo have kindly invited me to  talk about my latest book, The Life and Art of Bernie Fuchs.  I'm looking forward to it. If you're there, please come up and say hello.

The full schedule for the expo can be found here.  Other speakers at the event (many of whom I've featured on this blog before) will include the artists Peter de Seve, Greg Manchess, Carter Goodrich, Nathan Fowkes, Pete Docter, Nick Galifianakis and Dice Tsutsumi.


  1. hi David,

    unrelated, but thought you (and Kev and others) might appreciate this article:

  2. Laurence John-- Thanks, I did enjoy it. I would differ with Scruton in some particulars-- for example, that the habit of ‘going behind’ an opponent’s words predates Karl Marx’s theory of ideology, or that the cult of fakery has long and distinguished roots dating back long before the Code of Hammurabi. However, I do agree he is spot on about Foucault, the Turner prize and other shareholders of the Good Intentions Paving Co. And the more people who are willing to comment on the emperor's lack of clothing, the better as far as I'm concerned.

  3. Thanks for the link to that article Laurence. I, like David above, agree with the thrust of the article wholeheartedly and found the idea of 'fakery' (in terms of Scruton's context in the essay's argument) to be an enlightening angle to approach the subject.
    You mentioned Kev. He wrote a particularly fine reply on here a few months back attacking the Post-Modernist game and closed with an intensely witty epitaph that I hope I quote correctly in saying that it is, by any other name, "the uplifting of toilets". A wide grin always spreads across my face whenever I'm put in mind of it.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thanks for the mention but most of all, regrets that I couldn't attend your talk!!
    I wasn't able to be down on Sunday but hope you had a fabulous time in LA.

    Congrats on the book, really fantastic, someone needed to produce a book on his work and I was so glad to see it was you.

  6. Man I would have loved to have heard your talk. And you need a better pick of that original. It is one of Bernie's Best.
