Wednesday, December 30, 2020


There are dozens of images waiting in a queue for the honor of being the "End of the Year" on this blog.  However, to sum up a year like 2020, there was only one possible winner: Tom Fluharty's marvelous drawing, which I've shown before in a different context.

As 2020 trundles off into history, leaving potholes in its wake with every step, Fluharty's drawing says it all better than any article, poll or editorial ever could.  One more reason why I end the year loving good pictures even more than I did at the start. 

For those of you who've somehow succeeded in surviving covid 19, political blood feuds, unemployment, Russian hacking, the economic collapse and dysfunctional government, congratulations!  

I'm sure 2021 will be better for us all. Thanks for your participation this year, and here's wishing you a happy, healthy new year.


  1. Great way to end the year with Fluharty. He's awesome. Happy new year everybody!

  2. May this year disappear in the rear view mirror and a rear view not appear in the mirror.

    Fluharty is a champ!

  3. Happy new year! I love this blog.


  4. Happy New Year everyone! Thanks again for providing a space for us to "talk," art David! I appreciate it.

  5. This blog is really incredible. Keep it up please. I've learned a ton.

  6. Hindsight is 2020

    Best wishes to everyone here!

  7. After all the ink discussions, it kinda of clears the head David. I would not put the sound on. It doesn't look scratchy.

  8. Wishing you all a joyous 2021!

  9. Gott nytt år!

    All the best from Sweden!

  10. May we all get to leave our homes and see some butts as fine as this one soon

    Thanks for another great year of IA

  11. i never tire of studying this drawing---the ups, and downs, and arounds and sounds...the antigravitational glute, the shirt that must obey the waves of her walk, as if it were floating on ocean swells........the shoe lace---tied----and floating in space---peeking above the intersecting shadow line----(in so doing , by the way------bringing us to Fluharty's UNCANNY use of repeating shapes)......then, her right shoe---has not yet fully caught the weight of this step.......almost, but still the heel is not accepting the full duty of supporting this moment in time, a journey----stepping into 2021.
