Monday, October 21, 2019


I love this drawing by Tom Fluharty of George Bernard Shaw holding his dog.

Fluharty's famous drawing workshop came to our town last week.  I attended in the hope of learning how Fluharty achieves some of his marvelous effects, such as this ingenious beard:

But rather than coming away with magic tricks and special effects, I came away with something better: wisdom about the nature and challenges of drawing to help students invent their own special effects.

One of my favorite messages from Fluharty's demonstrations:

"Never coast just because you think you already know how hands look. Never punch the clock. Always continue to look for the story; hands are a story. Ears are another story.  Hair is a story. There's a story to tell everywhere; don't take anything for granted."


  1. I like so much his work that I bought the indigo Prismacolor pens. I wonder what kind of paper he uses and if he makes preliminary sketches.

  2. I've followed Fluharty ever since I first learned about him here. He's awesome. Is he doing any more workshops? I don't see any on his web store.

  3. Great art. I love the feel of it

  4. David, it is a lovely piece and it was inspiring to hear Thom talk. I'm also glad that I got the chance to meet you and spend time "hanging" and talk about art and when Joe Theismann played for the Argos.

  5. Thanks for posting this David. Lovely work indeed.

  6. I'd love to take a class from Fluharty. Does he teach you how to draw Hillary?


  7. Knowing admitted little about Shaw, and nothing at all about his dog, I’ll take it on good authority whether it’s a caricaturistically illuminating likeness, but it’s a very nice drawing and pleasant to look at.

  8. Li-An,

    If you mean 'preliminary sketch' as in a detailed underdrawing which is light-boxed over, then the answer seems to be no. Fluharty sketches light and loose on paper then builds up the denser tone / detail on top of that. See this post:

  9. @Laurence John : thanks. I suppose he knows what he will drawing before beginning the real art.

  10. Thanks for the link Laurence.

  11. This is a wonderful bit of advice.

  12. Its look likes my fathers creation!! Thank you for this very amazing blog David!

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  13. Tom is amazing and generous with his talent and knowledge. Hwe keeps this old dog itching to learn new tricks. Thanks for this post.

  14. a very good example of an amusing artwork. please keep on posting more.

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  15. how i wish i could draw like this one too, thanks for sharing this blog.

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  16. Very amazing arts!! Thank you for this..Please keep on posting!!

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  17. am i the only one that thinks that this artwork is amazing?!, please post some more.

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