How would you draw the sky if your only tool was a black line? Outline a few fluffy clouds perhaps? Add some cross hatching at the horizon? Well that's why you're not Rembrandt, buddy.
The vast majority of this picture is vacant air, but Rembrandt has filled it with lines so free and abstract that they put Jackson Pollock to shame.
It takes courage to etch even a single line in an open space like that. Look closely at Rembrandt's mad, gorgeous dithyramb across the sky and be proud of your humanity!
I'll return to more recent illustrators with my next posting, but I just couldn't resist squeezing in one more Rembrandt. This picture gives me goose bumps and I hope it has the same effect on you.
this is truly amazing. Thank you for sharing
impressive... Quite impossible to draw after that...
awesome post - awesome blog!!!!
Thanks for pointing that out.
Great Blog!!!
Can you imagine the time and committment it took to create that, in a world of quick fixes, it is nice to step back and have an ahhh moment.
Hey babe,
Cool Tell me more
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