President John Kennedy was a passionate believer in the importance of the arts; he was a voracious reader and intellectually curious. He invited over 150 artists, poets and writers to his inauguration.
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Composer Leonard Bernstein's invitation to the Kennedy inauguration |
The invited artists included Edward Hopper, Andrew Wyeth, Alexander Calder, Paul Manship, Charles Burchfield, Mark Rothko, Max Weber, William Zorach, Walter Gropius and Eugene Speicher. He also invited authors such as W.H. Auden, Saul Bellow, Pearl Buck, John Dos Pasos, William Faulkner, Arthur Miller, Carl Sandburg, John Steinbeck, Robert Penn Warren, Thornton Wilder and Tennessee Williams.
Kennedy knew that the government shouldn't attempt to control the arts, but he believed it was important for the president to demonstrate a high regard for cultural excellence, which he felt was one of the greatest fruits of a free society. He said:
Aeschylus and Plato are remembered today long after the triumphs of imperial Athens are gone. Dante outlived the ambitions of 13th century Florence. Goethe stands serenely above the politics of Germany, and I am certain that after the dust of centuries has passed over our cities, we, too, will be remembered not for victories or defeats in battle or in politics, but for our contribution to the human spirit.
After Kennedy was assassinated, the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts was named in tribute to him. Kennedy had been instrumental in the private fundraising for the cultural center during his lifetime. The center was managed by a bipartisan Board of cultural figures. The activities of the center have been paid for by private donations and ticket sales, but as part of a public/private partnership the government provides the maintenance and upkeep for the building. This gives the government a say in its management.
Last week President Trump fired the whole Board and got himself appointed as the new Chairman. This is not a political blog so I offer no opinions on Trump's fitness as president; for all I know, he may go on to become a great president. However-- limiting my comments solely to the arts-- Trump is a vulgar brute with the artistic taste of a simple minded child, pathetically attracted to all things glittery and gold. He is proudly unlettered and can barely muster the curiosity to read more than a few bullet points out of his Presidential briefing books.
Despite his ignorance-- or more likely because of it-- Trump feels that the arts will benefit from his political supervision.
It's not surprising, then, that artists might instinctively bristle at such a natural enemy of the arts. But what kind of responses are available? Is the artistic community defenseless in this exchange?
Well, for one thing, art enjoys the clarifying power of naming. Which brings me to this dandy cover by Justin Metz for The Atlantic in 2024.
This magazine cover was not constructed the way that Norman Rockwell used to construct magazine covers 100 years ago, combining pigments with linseed oil on a palette. Metz curated stock images (the capitol building, the sky and the swamp) and combined them using 3d modeling and Photoshop. He built the rest of the images, creating a hybrid of an old fashioned circus car and a victorian horse-drawn hearse. He forced the perspective, using the legerdemain of steam from the swamp and strategic lighting, in order to squeeze in everything he felt was essential. He crafted and refined the image, including brushing to give it a painterly feel. He carefully designed that whip, the coachman's bulk, the clenched fist. The result, I think, is a powerful image that rivals the best propaganda posters by the greatest illustrators of World War I.
Despite the fact that he used new tools, Metz had to make many of the same aesthetic choices required of traditional realistic painters in the past. The grim colors, the ominous light, the foreboding landscape, the placement of symbols such as the iconic vulture in the dead tree, the pose of the coachman-- these are all the types of elements that Brueghel might have weighed for his landscape, The Triumph of Death. The choice of how many symbols to include without overloading the picture, and how explicit to make those symbols-- again, these are all traditional aesthetic judgments.
In developing a "sinister circus" theme, Metz drew upon childhood Disney movies such as Pinocchio and Dumbo, with their dark sequences that terrified generations of children: the coachman with the bullwhip who drove bad little boys off to Pleasure Island where they were turned into donkeys....
These Disney memes still retain great subliminal power today.
For me, much of the artistry in Metz's cover lies in his depiction of the captive Republican elephant staring out of the shadows. His look of resignation, wondering how his past compromises could've led to this, adds an important layer of tragedy to what otherwise might have been a purely angry image.
There has been a mountain of editorials and books and articles with charts and graphs debating the political issues behind the recent election but I think this cover is a good reminder of how much more devastating a picture can be than words.
"... is not a political blog so I offer no opinions on Trump's fitness as president"
Except when you decide otherwise. Stop pretending. Embrace it.
"- Trump feels that the arts will benefit from his political supervision."
Yes, he's an dick and totally unsuitable for the role, but the arts are fully polticised already - supoort for ideological positions is baked into funding and determines appointments.
They even exported it abroad - like the 70,000 spent on an arts org in Ireland on running a "diversity" concert on the ambassador's residence there.
DEI in tech firms is nothing compared to the ideological stranglehold knitted into the arts, museums, etc.
Be even in your critiques, or else not only is this a political blog but a partisan one.
(The Disney Pinocchio stuff is good, of course, but that digital collage piece is junk.)
(PS - is it similarly knitted as a clause into contracts in the legal profession ? 'Covert messaging publicly or else no invite to the Eyes-Wide-Shut parties'...)
Anon: "...but that digital collage piece is junk"
Explain why you think it's junk.
Because it's a digital collage and the lion's share of what -design merit it has, and about 99% of its figurative rendering, was pre-made.
Just like a platic Jesus or resin 3d-modelled Michaelangelo's David is junk.
Every shortcut in manufacture, since mechanisation of production in the 19th c., creates results that are dessicated to the extent that the processes involved intervened in (and so became a barrier to) a conscious act of making.
They aren't 'tools' in the proper sense. They don't conduit creative action, they skip it.
The extent that digital processes succeed is to the extent that they recreate in simulated form the traditional processes, and only reach parity with these in terms of the artist's control when the shortcuts are done away with, and every stroke or what-not becomes a conscious act. At which point the artist realises that they are inferior to work with than his sticks and paint anyway in terns of conrptrol, nuance and tactility so why bother with them. Saves scanning ? More fitted to an online screen product ?
And it's a crappy image - the sky like the bad filters in a film where they have to de-naturalise it in order to prevent it jarring with iffy cgi. The inorganic feel to the relation between snipped-out pieces betraying their origin as awkward juxtapositions.
It's fine. It's an elaborated meme, a couple of steps up higher than the kind that proliferates on the internet. But it's junk. Not the worst thing in the world, and sufficient as a political ideogram.
And entirely fit for the Atlantic. Those writers are in a weird word-bubble simulation anyway, so they don't notice.
Awesome to see somebody making tough art like this.
"....who drove bad little boys off to Pleasure Island..."
I thought they flew ?
Glasshouses....stones, etc.
He could have made it easier on himself using 'prompt.'
Anonymous-- If you don't think I've criticized art censors on both sides of the political spectrum, you haven't been paying attention. ( ). But I have to confess, I've never encountered anyone more eager or less qualified to bully the arts than Trump.
One could debate whether a hostile takeover of a cultural institution is primarily a political or a cultural act, but it seems to me that there are a lot of clearly artistic issues here. You seem to think that traditional art tools such as oil paint should have a permanent monopoly, but those tools have plenty of disadvantages. Van Gogh's famous paintings of sunflowers completely changed colors over time because the chrome yellow oil paint had darkened from exposure to atmosphere and the green paint changed color due to the copper acetoarsenite in the pigment. Renaissance painters began experiencing "painter's colic" with the invention of oil paint (later determined to be lead poisoning). Rembrandt's painting Danae was slashed with a knife and burned with sulfuric acid in 1985. His "Nightwatch" was trimmed by local bureaucrats to fit on the wall of a municipal building. None of those problems are faced by digital art. So rather than assume that whatever once was should always be, I take the view that quality images can be self-legitimizing, regardless of the tools and technique. Identifying quality with an open mind is the key. Sometimes that involves looking in unexpected places, as Picasso did with tribal art.
Whether one agrees with the politics or not, I find the Metz picture a very striking, powerful image, a skillful image created with rare artistic backbone.
Can I once again invite anonymous commenters to leave some kind of identifying name or number? I can't tell if we have one "anonymous" or six, but people will never be able to connect responses to comments without some kind of identifier.
The Republicans who tolerated fascism as a response to DEI are now the elephant chained up in the back of that circus wagon. This is a smart picture.
Anon: “ the extent that the processes involved intervened in (and so became a barrier to) a conscious act of making (…) At which point the artist realises that they are inferior to work with than his sticks and paint anyway in terns of control, nuance and tactility so why bother with them. “
I agree with your general point that modern technical shortcuts usually produce lazy artists, and compromised art, but not that paint and brushes are the ultimate medium.
I’ll put my critique of this illustration in as short and sweet a way as possible and expand later if anyone’s interested:
Structure first, surface details later.
DEI is totalitarian evil masquerading as compassion. Extra-constitutional thuggery by the most arrogant and self-regarding people alive who seek to permanently empower themselves by any means necessary. That's the attempted cultural revolution that we are now reversing, that queering of everything that suddenly happened, that invasion through the southern border, the constant hoaxes through the legacy media, statues coming down, words changing meaning. This is the work of sick Fabian Socialists who had spent their lives "marching through the institutions" in order to take over our country from within. And, it turns out, loot it.
You don't even know what fascism is. It sure isn't uncovering and rooting out long term waste, fraud and abuse by an unaccountable deep state, NGO network, and cabal of political insiders laundering money left, right, and center. Fascists don't shrink government. Read a book.
The Truman Show of media that hysterical midwit Democrats consume is the greatest danger to our country. Rage bait and fear-mongering all day long. You have no idea how much propaganda you have believed and you are continuing to believe daily.
"that paint and brushes are the ultimate medium"
Not ultimate by any means (though I can't think of anything better than a mark-making, or pigment-placing tool, which only seem to be bettered by the hand itself)
Just what is employed and each action of which the work is comprised is enavted through an act of directed intent.
If the work - not just 'art' - has a portion of its composition that does not require this, then constant hand-tool acts can be effectivel replaced by mechanisation. eg, a loom can be used after the tweed or tartan design has been chosen.
But imagine a picture created in black and white by stippling - a photographic machine can match tones immediately, but if those stipples are made each one in a manner that is conscious of the thing they represent, they will be modulated in a way - and carry the feeling and human quality of response - that cannot be replicated by a machine.
Some people have said that digital techniques can effectively shortcut what would be a wasted effort on detail - blades of grass, grains of sand. This isn't the case - unless the artist is one who employs details or rendering in a mechanical manner. Artists who really are engaged with the details of things will convey them with the same feeling as the gesture of a person's limb.
And this goes beyond detail, of course, and is even more pertinent to the larger elements in works (with or without their having high degrees of detail).
If the shape and depth of a space of land and the weight of the carriage is understood and felt, as also if the elephant in the cage gives a sense of its mass - and the physical and emotional effect of the confinement - the better will be the picture.
None of which is necessary for a political cartoon, which can get across its message without them.
(The cleverest part of which here is, I suppose, the Elephant in the cage. But not so much as the Donkeys of Little St James.)
Since it was your sister-in-law that recommended Barack Obama to the DNC, you must have known exactly what kind of cultural revolution was in the works.
You did know.
So you are a fibber, Mr. Apatoff, regarding your partisanship. It has become increasingly clear. You are a Fabian Socialist, a hard leftist, a radical in sheep's clothing. A snooty superior commie pretending not to be, quietly and cleverly trying to undermine our constitution. You are worse than a total partisan hack. You are a Manchurian activist; a deceiver and a traitor.
As an SDS member said long ago "The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution." Whatever you revolutionaries say you want in the moment, whoever they rail against and for whatever reason, they really want to overturn the whole system. And install themselves as god-emperors. And torture those they loathe with perfect righteous impunity. As befitting their egos.
Marxist praxis all day long. Undermine, lie, problematize, polarize. And never ever tell the truth.
Apatoff The Deceiver
Anon: "Some people have said that digital techniques can effectively shortcut what would be a wasted effort on detail - blades of grass, grains of sand. This isn't the case - unless the artist is one who employs details or rendering in a mechanical manner.”
If you were making a CGI animated film you would use whatever looked right (to you) when viewed at a certain distance within each scene. Perhaps a specifically modelled blade of grass for a close up, or a whole ‘grass effect’ field for a distant out of focus shot. Any negatives of a ‘mechanical manner’ are dependant on the context.
Anon: "But imagine a picture created in black and white by stippling - a photographic machine can match tones immediately, but if those stipples are made each one in a manner that is conscious of the thing they represent, they will be modulated in a way - and carry the feeling and human quality of response - that cannot be replicated by a machine.”
No machine can do anything without a human inventing it first then deciding what to do with it.
Any human picking up an ink pen or paint brush and attempting to reproduce what is in front of them (or from their imagination) is limited by: the medium itself, the level of abstraction used, their degree of hand-drawn ‘realistic’ accuracy, and a hundred other factors too numerous to mention, all of which results in what we call ’style’.
I don’t see much difference between that and a mechanical device such as a camera, or digital software such as CGI. Each involves a multitude of interacting decisions, none of which is reducible to the purely mechanical - as in your example of a photo stippling machine (unless that’s all you’re talking about).
It’s the human interaction with the physics / limitations of the medium (physical or digital) where the ‘artistic’ quality emerges.
"Each involves a multitude of interacting decisions, none of which is reducible to the purely mechanical"
Unless there is a fusion between the imagination of the artist with the subject, seen or envisioned, that informs each patt of the act of making, *and* a choice at each step, it is so reducible.
Human beings can fall into it - mechanical rendering, imaginative 'muscle-memory' and so on.
Machines can't *not* escape their inbuilt mechanical perameter. The human 'director' of digital works can only employ the technology in a parody of traditional mark-making, and only lifts the work out of the 'purely mechanical' to the extent of acting contrariwise to the shortcutting they're designed for.
Digital animation can achieve things that would be impossible through normal human effort, but they remain just bad pictures that happen move.
"If you were making a CGI animated film you would use whatever looked right (to you) when viewed at a certain distance within each scene. Perhaps a specifically modelled blade of grass for a close up, or a whole ‘grass effect’ field for a distant out of focus shot. "
- Yes, I only mentioned detail because it's the typical 'plus' some people get excited about when talking about digital art's possibilities. And because what's true of the micro-detail is true of the larger forms - when details aren't individualised. Whether that's a rock, a torso or a swathe of grass .
Everything that succeeds in a digital artwork only does so because it works against its inherent mechanism.
And by approaching or mimicing not just figuration in painting/drawing/sculpture, but the actual manual processes of these
By 'imaginative 'muscle-memory' I mean the formulaic. Or the imitative - of others; or of self - habit (repetition)
Either I've been cloned, or someone's been reading me quite closely. A Paraphrasing Phantasm it seems.
No machine can do anything without a human inventing it first then deciding what to do with it.
You missed the point the Paraphrasing Phantasm was making about belief; "conscious of the thing they represent." Digital code is like AI, it has no idea of what it is doing, no feeling, no spirit, no consciousness, no haptic sense, no imagination. To stamp on some print by a mechanical action, is no different. Whereas the hand is in direct connection to the imagination and is sensitive to thought in a direct way.
As Harvey Dunn said, "Pictures are mediums of expression
and if we are interested they become interesting. You can’t touch your brush to a piece of canvas without having every stroke show just what you thought when you put that stroke on."
Just as when you speak a word, the inflection you give it makes it come alive according to your deeper thoughts in relation to that word and the meaning and tone of the sentence and paragraph in which it occurs. Type out the word - and you have a similar situation to stamp printing, a complete lack of inflection at the scale. Because the keyboard is just a lifeless mechanical instrument and the letters are codified per typeface.
"It’s the human interaction with the physics / limitations of the medium (physical or digital) where the ‘artistic’ quality emerges."
Lubricity in compositing, rendering, effects, etc is the very point of photoshop's existence, why, as a cheap shortcut it has been so widely adopted. Digital lubricity is the opposite of struggle. Digital art, with its suite of codified affordances, is a funnel which obviously has drawn millions of artists into banal similitude with one another. Part and parcel of the coding of the tools is the complete eradication of handwriting.
"Any human picking up an ink pen or paint brush and attempting to reproduce what is in front of them (or from their imagination) is limited by: the medium itself, the level of abstraction used, their degree of hand-drawn ‘realistic’ accuracy, and a hundred other factors too numerous to mention, all of which results in what we call ’style’. "
So style is only a result of various limitations, and not talent, personality, consideration, taste, expertise, thought, and so on? Hardly.
As I wrote last time, shallow style is the conversion of an art problem into a design problem. Deep style comes from profound aesthetic understanding and a very personal-taste approach to expressing the unity of feeling and meaning as poetic effect.
'A Paraphrasing Phantasm'
Ha ha. Don't flatter yrself 😉
I recently noted the existence of an "American Songbook" series highlighting girl punk bands at Lincoln Center.
If any more clear example of the aesthetic rot among supposed cultural elites exists, I haven't seen it. Our cultural institutions have been captured by dim politicized goons, virtue-signalling poseurs who wouldn't know a sonnet from a grommet and couldn't care less. A good first step is unemploying the lot of these tasteless aesthetic frauds. We need people in place who don't see art as some mere stepping stone to political power or political change. Maoists - talentless, humorless, spiritless control freaks - ruin everything they touch.
Kev: "You missed the point the Paraphrasing Phantasm was making about belief”
No, you’ve missed my point re the user of the machine or tech.
Kev: "So style is only a result of various limitations, and not talent, personality, consideration, taste, expertise, thought, and so on? Hardly.”
More mis-reading (and projection). Funny, I was trying to talk about taste in the previous thread (regarding Kinkade) and you evaded it and said "I don't think taste is even considered”
"No, you’ve missed my point re the user of the machine or tech."
That was a nonsensical point. Digital tools only fake handwriting. They obviously don't allow for it, which is exactly why a million different artists all seem indistinguishable from each other. That never happened before. Because in the coding of digital tools is not only not their thought, but no thought. Transhumanism in any form is anaesthetic bullshit. The humanity is in actual touch and so is the meaning. Your girlfriend grabs your arm different than your mother; and neither are a merely mechanical sensation If you think a robot can do either, go marry a robot.
More mis-reading (and projection)
I'm pretty good at reading comprehension. You wrote: "Any human picking up an ink pen or paint brush and attempting to reproduce what is in front of them (or from their imagination) is limited by: the medium itself, the level of abstraction used, their degree of hand-drawn ‘realistic’ accuracy, and a hundred other factors too numerous to mention, all of which results in what we call ’style’."
Please note that you used a colon after "limited by". Which means everything listed after the colon is a limitation. Including "a hundred other factors." If that's not what you meant, that's on you.
Regarding my evasion of your bait last time, yes. James Gurney is not only a friend and artiste extraordinaire, but an important art teacher with something to say. And I didn't want to cloud up that thread, and the point of the post overall, re-beating a literally dead horse.
Kev: "That was a nonsensical point. Digital tools only fake handwriting"
You seem stuck on the very limited point that a digital brush can only do the same ’stamped out’ brush look every time, which in your mind equates to fake ‘handwriting’.
There’s a lot more to using mechanical / digital tech than a crap photoshop brush tool, and I’m not much of a fan of ‘digital paint’ either (see Nov 02, 2024).
Kev: "you used a colon after "limited by". Which means everything listed after the colon is a limitation.”
All mediums are inherently limited. Scraping pigmented gloop onto a grainy surface with some bristles on the end of a stick seems a pretty crude act to do just to create an illusion of something. Of course you can say that the ‘handwriting’ of the artist is the most important thing to justify paint as THE most important medium. I refer you again to the medium of moving film, which uses no strokes of paint, and which I’m sure you’ve been moved by.
Anonymous wrote: "Every shortcut in manufacture, since mechanisation of production in the 19th c., creates results that are dessicated to the extent that the processes involved intervened in (and so became a barrier to) a conscious act of making."
In the 19th century, illustrations were reproduced for magazines using wood engraving until the invention of photolithography, which was one of those "shortcuts in manufacture" which saved time and money. If you read 19th century trade journals, there were people weeping (as some commenters seem to be weeping here) about the demise of the close personal bond between the wood engravers and their artists. There was considerable gnashing of teeth about the end of personal craftsmanship from the engravers, who were rapidly becoming unemployed after a lifetime of dedication, only to be replaced by a cold and bloodless mechanical form of reproduction.
Yet, from that mechanical form of reproduction arose the golden age of illustration and the popularity of modern magazines. So let's salt our predictions with a little humility.
Kev Ferrara wrote: "I recently noted the existence of an "American Songbook" series highlighting girl punk bands at Lincoln Center. If any more clear example of the aesthetic rot among supposed cultural elites exists, I haven't seen it."
Naw, it was those mop top hairdos them dang Beatles wore. That's when everything started to go to hell.
"...wood engraving until the invention of photolithography, .."
Wood engraving was a translation, a copy translated.
Photolithography has the same relation to a drawing as a cast does to a clay or wax original.
Etching is like taking a cast from a footprint, or making a lifemask.
Some of this is just to do with reproducing an original work. Some, like engraving, whether raised or intaglio, don't have an 'original' as such, the finished work is at a remove. But the fundamentals of the manner of their making are the same.
And not similar to what was referred to in digital processes.
(I'm mistaken there - you said photolithography, I was thing about photogravure.
Overall points are the same, though. )
"Naw, it was those mop top hairdos them dang Beatles wore. That's when everything started to go to hell."
You must have kicked ass making fun of tweedy old squares in the hallway between classes in 1964.
Sing to yourself your favorite "American Songbook" melody by The Slits or Poly Styrene. Go ahead. Sing quietly to yourself. I'll wait.
Geeze, you didn't even think of one song! Not one single melody came into your dorky mind! And here I thought you wuz gonna show me sumptin' by celebratin' them bran' new lady punk entries into that there American Songbook. Guess you ain't the culture boy you thought you wuz.
The American Songbook. You know... Gershwin. Cole Porter. Ellington. The Slits.
Non-judgmentalism is a mental disorder.
"You seem stuck on the very limited point that a digital brush can only do the same ’stamped out’ brush look every time, which in your mind equates to fake ‘handwriting’."
I'm stuck on the uncanny fact of a million different artists using digital tools seeming indistinguishable from one another. And aesthetically dead or deadened. The reasons for this are due to the Faustian deal of having infinite undo, no risk, no mess, and all the technical assistance and collaging you want... in exchange for no physical evidence for or consequence to the act of art making. Which is to say, no you.
"There’s a lot more to using mechanical / digital tech than a crap photoshop brush tool"
The tools have utility and are sensitive only to the uses and degrees of freedom that they have been programed with. Which was done, necessarily, by people who aren't artists. Since everybody's artistic hand-writing is sui generis, it cannot be pre-programmed.
"All mediums are inherently limited."
Sure, but that's a different question. Each also have a unique suite of inherent affordances. The analog plasticity and non-linearity of real materials for instance.
"Scraping pigmented gloop onto a grainy surface with some bristles on the end of a stick seems a pretty crude act to do just to create an illusion of something."
Oh. You've never painted well.
You're talking about an infinitely subtle and infinitely sensitive medium as "crude." It won't help you to speak from ignorance.
"Of course you can say that the ‘handwriting’ of the artist is the most important thing to justify paint as THE most important medium."
The handwriting records the performance through the resistance of the plastic material. There is no performance otherwise.
Imagine typing at your computer only to find that there's no you there. Imagine being disembodied from your actions.
"I refer you again to the medium of moving film, which uses no strokes of paint, and which I’m sure you’ve been moved by."
Yes But filmmaking uses an entirely different suite of affordances with an entirely different suite of limitations. Since the aesthetics of filmmaking are extremely complicated, voluminous, and interesting; with edit cuts, animating in actual time, using music, special effects, sound effects, the human voice, dialogue, and visual images superposed, I wouldn't think it would benefit your case to compare them to a single computer image.
Because a single image is a very limited canvas to work on, it must go deep if it is to have any richness of feeling. Every layer of information matters.
"...for all I know, he may go on to become a great president..." A nice twist, thumbs up, Mr Apatoff. Having established how a truly great president - JFK, who else? - should value the arts, you have given in adfvance the answer to your musings about greatness. Trump will never achieve greatness. He will pull the USA into the same pit in which he dwells
David: “ Naw, it was those mop top hairdos them dang Beatles wore. That's when everything started to go to hell.”
You jest David, but when people say things along the line of “music was better in my day” whether their day was the 1920s, the 1960s or the 1980s, I believe them. I think we’re each allowed to romanticise our youth, and bemoan the state of modern culture.
Kev: "You're talking about an infinitely subtle and infinitely sensitive medium as "crude." It won't help you to speak from ignorance.”
The best artists I’ve encountered over the years in the fields of illustration, gallery art, animation, storyboarding and concept art can switch mediums (physical or digital) with relative ease, because they’re bringing an understanding of the principles of image making (static or moving) that can apply and adapt to any medium.
The worst artists I’ve encountered over the years play up the idea (deluding themselves and the gullible customer) that oil on canvas has some kind of near-mystical quality that only oil on canvas can achieve; essentially an appeal to tradition and sentimentality that will somehow rub off on them.… "Rembrandt used these same paints therefore my crap somehow shares some sort of quality with his, because quality materials, tradition etc”
They're all before my day, and the quality is on a descending scale temporally
Can you name or show a piece of digital art that stands up to the best, or even mid-tier, 'analogue' work ? You don't even need to approach people like Rembrandt here. Literally hundreds of almost forgotten artists of the 19th and 20th c. Or any of the dozens of very good 20th c american illustrators that have appeared here.
If there are any (I've seen a few that might scrape in), I'll wager they work they made is hampered by the medium, or they've done their best to simulate things like the grain of pastels, or the effect of a brushstroke.
It's not as extreme with 2d artists as with 3d ones using something like Z-brush, but the same problem is there - it's a simulation that has to forge the tactility, and other sensual elements - not just in the result, but in the *process* of its making (including, perhaps especially, in the automation/programming).
These things -paint, pigment, a ontour made by a hand-eye following a form- are 'mystical' only in sense that the world might be/is (take your pick). Superstitious mana around materials doesn't come into it.
Laurence John— I’ve had the same experience with some of the artists that I’ve lauded here, such as Tom Fluharty or Nathan Fowkes. They were classically trained and mastered traditional materials, yet when digital tools became available, they grasped them with both hands to explore what they were capable of producing. I think some of the results were impressive, and was a little surprised by the commenters who insisted that such pictures aren’t as good as they look. Their reasons sometimes seemed more spiritual than physical.
Bill: "I'll wager the work they made is hampered by the medium, or they've done their best to simulate things like the grain of pastels, or the effect of a brushstroke.”
As i said in an earlier post on digital (Nov 02, 2024) I’m not a fan of digital attempts to replicate the look of pastels or paper etc. I think they look cheesy. I prefer digital art that has its own unique properties. In still images I’d say Piotr Jablonski:
and Sergey Kolesov:
In moving image, I think The Incredibles is technically brilliant, and doesn’t try to look like a physical medium.
Dave, perhaps you could reach out to the creator of your site and see if there’s a way to modify the software that powers your blog. It could be useful to implement a feature that tags anonymous users with a unique identifier, allowing for better tracking or interaction while maintaining their anonymity
I really enjoy reading your comments is it possible for you to provide us with some of your background?
Fair enough. They have their obvious qualities, some parts on a quick look I like a lot (& not so much the 'cgi'-style chiaroscuro); but after looking at them, for me, the point (or opinion!?) stands. They feel like 'virtual' paintings. They don't express things seen or imagined in a new way, but look like an amalgam of 'painting' conventions and photographic effect (- I'm talking about the 'language' of the technique insofar as this seems to me apparent)
and it feels like the synaesthetis I was talking about.
(Ordinary paintings of course aren't 'real', but they - even mediocre ones - vibrate with the human response to the things they portray through *how* they are made.)
The modelling of form looks wrong in the way digital processes shortcut it (and some of the forms seem like their shortcomings are masked by the modelling; which shouldn't be the case - even in outline a form should be able to hold). Form placement and lighting looks off. Some of these things are characteristic of digital processes, and are surmounted only by trying to make the process(es) correspond to eye-hand-tool means of working. Or else it's just shortcuts to get your idea down and buttressed with effects.
The Incredibles, and similar, is a different kettle of fish (that I don't think quite fits in to what's being talked about)It has always looked like the impossibility of two-dimensional cartoon characterisation of shapes/conventions (for the human face and form) existing 'in-the-round' made possible. It's very expressive inside that stylisation.
Actually, quite quickly the shortcomings in the 'drawing' - form, anatomy and so on - in most of these look clear. And the 'finish' looks like a drape of digital effects over them.
(But even in digital art with a solidly drawn foundation there's the same problem - at some point in the process the artist is going to have to scrape back against how the digital process works if he wants to have control over it and not have it delegated to the progamme.)
[ 'Synthæsthetic' (?) / Bill]
A lot of this debate seems to mimic the heated arguments in the 1960s over what qualified as "folk music." That "peace and love" crowd became so desperate to keep things pure, and so angry over the introduction of electronic instruments and new ways of recording, that they were ready to lynch Bob Dylan and other apostates who strayed from the one true path. We've seen this debate on this blog over impure art forms (not just digital art but conceptual art, outsider art, abstract "fine" art, advertising, etc.) for years.
I previously offered a solution in the dictum from outsider artist Jonathan Williams who, when asked to define art, responded, "If you can kill a snake with it, it ain't art." But I couldn't find anyone to sign onto his theory.
I think the instinct of commenters like Bill is always the proper test: "show me." If you think you have digital artists who create worthwhile art, let's see their stuff. I think the world has gradually come to recognize a number of such artists, and most of them, in my experience, first mastered traditional tools before experimenting with digital and then with CG. I mentioned Nathan Fowkes and Tom Fluharty, both first rate. I've also written here about Craig Mullins (see ), Daisuke “dice” Tsutsumi , Ralph Eggleston and others. I've also praised what I think is excellent CG work in animated films (for example, the first half of Wall-E, or Rio). In my view, you may have trouble categorizing it and you may have trouble coping with the metaphysics of it, and you may be so hopping mad about DEI that like Yosemite Sam you can't see art or anything else straight, but this artwork speaks for itself, as all art must. It can be a beautifully designed, effective, emotional, credible, layered phenomenon that you can't kill a snake with.
All of which takes us (or should take us) back to this week's piece by Justin Metz. There are commenters who would like to disqualify it on political grounds. There are commenters who would like to disqualify it because of its technological roots. For me, those are distractions. I see a very powerful statement, creatively composed of evocative elements, at least as effective as the World War I posters of Harvey Dunn, N.C. Wyeth, Henry Raleigh and James Montgomery Flagg. If you want to deal with it, deal with it on that level.
No, it's not like Dylan going electric. It's like karaoke done on top of sampling with a syth beat.
Nobody wants to disqualify it on political grounds. But I think it was mostly posted because of them.
('synth' / bill)
Great artists use digital for the short term convenience. That's it. But in the long term they lose. Donato Giancola sells his originals for six figures. Nobody sells digital printouts for six figures. There are artists now who have spent their entire careers in digital and have no physical objects to show for it. Ask those artists about whether they regret that fact.
~ FV
"I really enjoy reading your comments is it possible for you to provide us with..."
Are you more than one person? Or are you wearing Precious again?
The best artists I’ve encountered over the years in the fields of illustration, gallery art, animation, storyboarding and concept art can switch mediums (physical or digital) with relative ease, because they’re bringing an understanding of the principles of image making (static or moving) that can apply and adapt to any medium.
The worst artists I’ve encountered over the years play up the idea (deluding themselves and the gullible customer) that oil on canvas has some kind of near-mystical quality that only oil on canvas can achieve; essentially an appeal to tradition and sentimentality that will somehow rub off on them.… "Rembrandt used these same paints therefore my crap somehow shares some sort of quality with his, because quality materials, tradition etc”
I agree with all that, except the straw man attempt to associate what I'm saying with what awful oil artists say to sell their poor work. Millions of people have had strange near-mystical experiences - reverie, aesthetic arrest, epiphanies - in front of great oil paintings. Watercolor paintings too. But I've never heard of anybody having one in front of an airbrush painting. This point gets us closer to the heart of the issue. Touch matters.
I strongly agree with what FV said above about convenience now and regret later. Digital is a Faustian deal. It does not record actual performance. To be the ghost in a machine is hardly a life in art.
“music was better in my day”
The issue isn't music. Music is a very low bar like "creativity". Music can just decorate time like aural wallpaper and still be music. Narrative/poetic structure synthesized with concept is what is difficult. In poetic structure we find expressive meaning. Music per se was already being auto generated in the 1960s.
"I think we’re each allowed to romanticise our youth, and bemoan the state of modern culture."
Of course we are. But there's no discernment in that. No consideration. It's just narcissism.
Quality is not a subjective thing. A thing looks or sounds or tastes more or less the same to everybody who partakes of it. Only taste differs, as a response to quality.
The Beatles compete with Gershwin, Joplin, Romberg and Webb on the same playing field of Song. The Slits do not.
If you can't sing it, it isn't a song. If you can't remember it, it isn't memorable.
If a performance wasn't captured, the machine half of the cyborg won out over the human half.
If Postmodern Jukebox can switch the era and it still works, it's a good song. Or at least a song.
"I see a very powerful statement, creatively composed of evocative elements, at least as effective as the World War I posters.
Do you concede that it's main purpose (as well as value) is as propaganda?
To Kev: Always the comedian, Nah, it’s just me. I lost Precious in a fire.
Laurence John wrote: "I’ll put my critique of this illustration in as short and sweet a way as possible and expand later if anyone’s interested: Structure first, surface details later."
I'm not sure anyone ever took you up on your invitation, but I'm interested in what you have to say. I generally agree with your point: before anyone starts decorating a victorian hearse with filigree, they have to make sure the structure of the picture is right. However, if your point is going to be that the perspective of the cart and horse has been forced in order to patch pre-existing images together, I'll give you a sneak preview that I don't believe perfect three point perspective is a top priority for a picture such as this. Illustrators have always done what they must with perspective in order to serve the purposes of the image. The most accomplished photorealistic car painters of the 1950s and 60s "stretched" their cars to make them more dynamic and desirable (which is one reason illustrators were able to fend off photographers for so long). Even Baron Leydenfrost, who was a "professor of perspective" in his home country, took liberties with perspective.
Kev Ferrara wrote: "Do you concede that it's main purpose (as well as value) is as propaganda?"
Yes, in the same sense that the Dunn, Raleigh, Wyeth and Flagg are mainly propaganda.
I've often quoted Yeats' principle, that we make propaganda out of our arguments with the world, but we make art out of our arguments with ourselves. I think Metz's cover is primarily an argument with the world, but so were the posters by Dunn, Raleigh, Wyeth and Flagg. I also think Metz's image is in some ways artistically superior to those earlier efforts. I think it is a smarter, more sophisticated image using a more artistic set of symbols and references.
I also think it has more artistic depth because it still finds room to include nuance over the plight of that caged elephant. Virtually every intelligent, principled conservative leader (Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio, Nikki Haley, Sununu, McConnell, etc.) started out labeling Trump a race-baiting bigot, a cancer, a demagogue, and worse. Inch by inch they swallowed their principles, because they feared his insults and lacked the courage to stand by Republican values (such as free trade, strong national defense, family values, opposition to Russia, etc.). They didn't impeach Trump or take him out when they had the chance, so now they are forced to follow him and heap embarrassing praise on him as if he is a North Korean "dear leader." A journalist might respond to this phenomenon by making long lists of these reversals (for an audience that has largely given up reading) but an artist like Metz creates an image of a tragic elephant paraded around in that cramped cage, peering forlornly out from behind those rusted bars. Whether you are liberal or conservative, I think that image should be recognized as a master stroke, demonstrating the power of visual art.
Bill wrote: "Nobody wants to disqualify it on political grounds. But I think it was mostly posted because of them."
There's no avoiding the political content in this image, just as there was no avoiding the political content when I praised Tom Fluharty's savage treatments of Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama, or Mike Ramirez's beautifully rendered, highly conservative political cartoons. We live in polarized times, when much of the sharpest, strongest work is likely to have political content but we don't need to hide from its artistic value.
I singled out the Metz image (from among an ocean of mediocre political art on both sides) because I thought it represented a milestone in the coming of age of digital art. I singled it out because I thought it was a smart and creative use of symbols, miles above the typical "four legs good, two legs bad" political art that dominates public debate. As always, I welcome all suggestions of rival smart, sophisticated political art out there. But if you suggest paintings of Trump with superhero muscles bulging, or Jesus sitting beside Trump at his rape trial extending a protective godly hand over his chosen candidate, well... you'll have to be prepared for the response you'll get.
Finally, it seemed time to return political art because of the news last week, about Trump getting himself appointed the head of the Kennedy Center. This shameless power grab should be alarming to anyone who cares about the independence of the arts, regardless of their political persuasion.
A lot of commenters here have expressed concern about the dumbing down of modern culture. I suggest you'll never find a more shocking example of this process than contrasting Kennedy-- an erudite, highly literate student of history who spoke in complete paragraphs and honored many of the same artists that people here admire-- with Trump, a cultural ignoramus who doesn't know or care about any of those artists or writers and speaks in short, nasty bumper sticker slogans. If you think that's an exaggeration, try comparing any ten minutes of the Kennedy/Nixon presidential debates on youtube with any ten minutes of a Trump presidential debate. You'll be certain that the era of Idiocracy has arrived.
I might expect that the commenters here who seem so concerned about the culture rot on display in post modern art and punk rock music would be alarmed too. But y'know, four legs good, two legs bad....
Kev Ferrara wrote: "Quality is not a subjective thing."
I wish I shared your confidence. I've argued here that some elements of quality, especially design elements, transcend geographic borders and can be appreciated around the world. But there are other elements of quality that don't seem to translate well without a lot of open minded study (which is why I argue so enthusiastically for open mindedness in approaching new and alien art forms).
David: "I generally agree with your point: before anyone starts decorating a victorian hearse with filigree, they have to make sure the structure of the picture is right.”
As a general point, I’m not anti-lots-of-realistic-detail in principle. However, I think that if an artist does highly detailed, realistic work, they need to pay even MORE attention to the underlying basics such as composition, staging, shapes, tonal range, focal points etc, so that the eye of the viewer doesn’t get hung up meandering all over the image admiring all the ‘realistic’ details (not something I’m easily wowed by). It’s easy for the viewer not see the flaws in detail-heavy work because they’re seduced by the surface.
David: "However, if your point is going to be that the perspective of the cart and horse has been forced in order to patch pre-existing images together, I'll give you a sneak preview that I don't believe perfect three point perspective is a top priority for a picture such as this”
I have no problem with ‘incorrect’ distortions of space or form if they’re used cleverly. But here, the whole composition feels cramped and teetering, awkwardly forced into the vertical A4 space, with all main elements competing for attention. The near vertical edge that goes: -whip-raised arm-front edge of coach-horses head-front edge of horse- ends at the hoof placed right on the bottom edge of the page (a classic mistake) which creates a very unstable feeling.
If you look at similarly busy compositions by Rockwell or NC Wyeth they might cram a lot of info into a very tight area, but it will always be steered by clear shapes and/or outlines that draw the eye through the busy areas to the focal point of the image, within a larger balanced composition.
There’s also a lack of movement to the coach. There’s almost no feeling of it moving forward, jostling across bumpy, uneven ground. The narrow slice of horse that we can see also appears to not be moving, with one front leg raised, and if you zoom in, it appears to have no lower back legs at all connecting it to the ground.
Sorry if these seem nit-picky and pedantic. They’re just what I notice when I take in the image as a whole. If we’re going to have heated debates about the value (or not) of digital art then I go back to the point that we should notice the underlying principles of image making - which i believe are transferable across related media - before we get seduced by the novelty of a new medium.
"I might expect that the commenters here who seem so concerned about the culture rot ... would be alarmed too"
- If money is taken from cultural institutions, people should be. That needs to be leveraged by the extent that the institutioned had been politicised. As was said, this is worse in europe than the US so there's a danger that we're reading your situstion through our own lens (but quite often things that happen here have been 'encouraged' - even in the arts - by the ideologies that predominate in the administration in charge in the US.) Commissions are given by state institutions on socio-politico ideological themes, and careers are always tacitly and sometimes overtly advanced or hampered depending being compliant with their assumptions. Even in places where thery are utterly irrelevant, such several National Galleries of Art whose remit stops at paintings up to 1900.
I've seen the situation shift from one where academic knowledge and conservation were prioritised in appointments to be replaced by one with governers with backgrounds in sociology.
In London, in the Tate, labels on the paintings which formerly gave name and date and brief background, it is de rigeur to apologise for colonisation sans any context of real relevance to the piece. It is shoehorned into a display of silver cocoa cups on display in a National Trust property. Or if that can't be made fit, it's global warming. In galleries, the women's toilets have to be opened up to men in dresses.
The only thing museums should be doing is protecting and presenting the art they hold - contextualised *only* with it's school and the background concurrent with its creation.
In the contemporary field, If there is to be any reward or incentivising of art (I'm close to the believing it should be all left to the market) it should be for excellence alone.
I don't know the ins and outs of the situation with regard to how the JFK Centre was run. If there were ideological issues with the board they should be removed. But I don't think it should be run by Trump, even if he was competent to do so.
"I singled out the Metz image (from among an ocean of mediocre political art on both sides) because I thought it represented a milestone in the coming of age of digital art"
- I don't want to be unduly harsh on it it, but as a political cartoon it's on a par with thousands of others, as in it's execution. In terms of its aesthetic and skill, it's looks entirely dependent on its peices, like Frankenstein. A Golem with its politics on the piece of paper that alone animates it.
(I hope that's readable with the missing words..... and 'peices'....aaarrrgghh ! /B.)
('like Frankenstein' - & as ill-knit)
Dave give up. The MAGAs are so angry they can't react reasonably to art or anything. You're preaching to 1932 Germany.
You're an idiot.
Quality present is quality experienced, same with artistic structure. In the normal distribution of aesthetic sensitivity. Blue is blue to most everybody just as surely as verse to bridge to chorus sounds about the same to everybody. Don't confuse quality with taste or acculturation.
"In moving image, I think The Incredibles is technically brilliant, and doesn’t try to look like a physical medium. "
I agree. Wonderful films. But movies, again, have completely different affordances, a very large suite of artistic tools utterly different from a single image.
I don't think the JFK Centre is guilty of anything like this
'Next to a self-portrait of Hogarth sitting on a mahogany chair (Hogarth Painting the Comic Muse, 1757-8) a sign reads: “The chair is made from timbers shipped from the colonies, via routes which also shipped enslaved people. Could the chair also stand in for all those unnamed black and brown people enabling the society that supports his vigorous creativity?” I rather suspect it can’t.'
Drawing and painting well requires love, faith, commitment, talent, fortitude, and technique. We find that in Dunn, Raleigh, Wyeth, and Flagg.
There is no artistic love or care in the mechanical capturing of bounced light rays - aka a photograph - nor in anything silhouetted out from a photo. Even less with digitized photos. Even less with low resolution digitized photographs pinched from any random source to complete a bit of hacking on deadline.
To wit: Anyone sensitive or with experience with photoshop compositing can see, for instance, blown out jpeg artifacts all over the bars and the chain. All that metal is from a lower resolution source even than the elephant behind it. Which is the exact opposite of good drawing or painting. Where was the AD on that? Carnival food.
And don't get me started on the upraised arm and the hand purportedly holding a whip and driving a horse team. Purely constructed drivel.
There is no beauty or love in the making of this illustration. Nobody will consult it for reasons of form or poetics. There is no drawing or painting to swoon over, no author to be revealed. You like it because it comports with your current political hopes and fears based on the media narratives you have adopted. Which is why, when you argue for it as art, you immediately transpose away from it and return to arguing for the media narratives you believe... seemingly equating the two. I don't think you can help yourself. Your politically mediated mind overmatches your aesthetic mind. And that is exactly the left-brain dominant, short-sighted Maoist view of art that I set myself again.
Propaganda falls away in time, leaving only the art. Nobody is looking at Flagg's Uncle Sam portrait and thinking about signing up to be a Dough Boy 'Over There.' Instead they are looking at the beauty and power of that face and finger. So I can't agree to your equation of Flagg, or Dunn or anybody else to this concoction.
"I've often quoted Yeats' principle, that we make propaganda out of our arguments with the world, but we make art out of our arguments with ourselves."
Is a painted poem about a tree slumping and swaying in a rainstorm an "argument with the world" or "an argument with ourselves?"
I don't think it's either. It is wise to be slow to adopt heuristics (or narratives) one hasn't tried earnestly to destroy. Be particularly wary of transposing heuristics between art forms.
70 replies and I am the one that has to point it is not a vulture but a crow. Very different symbolism.
Be proud! 70 replies and you’re the first one to contradict me who is right. Thank you, that’s a good comment.
Anonymous-- you're correct, the JFK Center hasn't done anything like the Tate placard about Hogarth (or anything else that would justify a hostile takeover by the state).
I wasn't aware of the brouhaha over the Hogarth placard, but from what I've now read it seems the placard is being handled properly. There have been a thousand exhibitions of Hogarth's work, so I understand why the Tate would try to mix things up by finding guest commentators to write fresh views of particular pictures. The placard did not represent the official views of the Tate or the government or any other serious person.
One of their guest commentators was a bad artist named Sonia E Barrett who performs "Composites of plants, animals, elements and people to create interventions that presence their objectification and commodification....The work seeks to create new questions where there was a kind of certainty that has to do with the hegemony of normative western European values." I'm guessing she was chosen to write a placard because she grew up in "Hong Kong, Zimbabwe, Cyprus and the UK." The Tate apparently wanted (and got) a perspective that was outside the box.
But the response to her placard in the UK was exactly what you'd hope for from a society of mature adults-- a widespread biting rejection from critics and the public. There was no need to invade the Tate, fire its employees and wrest control from the managers. That approach only makes sense if you're trying to stay on top by stoking paranoia and division.
Marxist and Postmodern rhetoric in art commentary is so INSIDE the box, so predictable and dull, that it is both tedious and ominous at once. The zombified stock brains coming out of these woke schools say nothing insightful ever about anything. I'd rather hear a janitor or bus driver's take.
~ FV
"But the response to her placard in the UK was exactly what you'd hope for from a society of mature adults-- a widespread biting rejection from critics and the public"
Yeah, that was me by the way. I was skimming online for exact quotes.
They also have loads of similar deranged labelling placed by the Tate itself that's permanent. So the response given by Farquharson (director) when they were laughed at/criticised for this particularly absurd example was bullshit.
"Anything old, or for that matter anything beautiful was always vaguely suspect....Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past"
Which is why the Tate chiefs should be sacked.
Were any criticisms - valid or otherwise - in the background or directly levelled at the JFK centre, either in the recent past or more directly in the run-up to Trump's actions ?
There's no way putting him in charge can be justified (even were he qualified), even if the board merit the boot as much as do the Tate; but *if there's a broader story there it should be told.
No, he's an NPC. He says what he's been told to believe. He feels what he's told to feel.
~ FV
Speaking of AI found this on YouTube which others might find interesting.
"The Tate apparently wanted (and got) a perspective that was outside the box."
They got one from outside the skull.
Bill said>>> "Nobody wants to disqualify it on political grounds. I think it was mostly posted because of them."
David said>>>"There's no avoiding the political content in this image, just as there was no avoiding the political content when I praised Tom Fluharty's savage treatments of Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama, or Mike Ramirez's beautifully rendered, highly conservative political cartoons. We live in polarized times, when much of the sharpest, strongest work is likely to have political content but we don't need to hide from its artistic value."
David, You sidestepped the point. Cleverly. But was anybody also clever fooled?
The issue Bill flagged up was not that a political illustration was political in nature, but that you posted this one AGAIN solely because of your politics. In other words you aren't here to praise Caesar, but to foist his ideas on us under the pretends of praising Caesar. You praise the propaganda in order to propagate the propaganda. A false bill of sale. You're like Bagdad Bob, still broadcasting as the bombs fall. You can't stop yourself from selling the slop.
~ FV
MovieAC-- fascinating! Thank you for sharing. I think one reason that commenters have become so agitated this week is because the art being discussed is both digital and politically left wing-- apparently the third and fourth rails of aesthetics for some here. It might have simplified the discussion if I had isolated one of those issues.
Laurence John-- I thank you for seriously addressing the aesthetics of the picture rather than sputtering and fuming about the communists sleeping under our beds.
I definitely agree with you that "the underlying principles of image making... are transferable across related media." I qualify that, however, by adding that I think it may take a little time for us to become comfortable with the different "look" of new media. A lot of people seem to recoil at digital art, not because of the image itself but because they aren't convinced the artist worked hard enough to deserve moral credit for the image. Or they get distraught that comparing digital art with the work of their favorite analog artist heroes might unfairly undermine their favorite (in a John Henry / steam drill competition). Or they're afraid that acknowledging quality computer art will unravel their romantic notions about role of art in human nature. I'm not saying that these issues aren't concerning, but when I see critics squinting at digital art and getting "nit-picky and pedantic," I wonder how much of their judgment is affected by these collateral issues. (Note for example movieac's link below to an award winning painting that was excellent until ARC learned it had been created by computer: )
I agree that the Atlantic cover is a busy composition but I understand that Metz removed a number of potential elements to simplify the cover, and I'm not sure what else I would have him remove that wouldn't detract substantially from the potency of the image.
I thought about adding images from some of the acknowledged great traditional illustrators who worked exclusively by hand: a couple of drawings by Ronald Searle of oxen pulling carts that look every bit as foreshortened and squished as these, or Maxfield Parrish background landscapes that look indistinguishable from this one (the only difference being that Parrish's took him a week to paint in oil glazes). But this post was already too long.
Speaking of AI found this on YouTube which others might find interesting.
Not mentioned is that the $25,000 cash award from the MacAvoy Foundation went to a painting blatantly and mindlessly copied from a photo. (Pavel Sokov) As if that isn't exactly the same level of vacuous self-deluding audience-cheating laziness as submitting an AI image duplicated in oil paint.
Incoherence runs through the whole milieu.
I wasn't surprised to see Anthony Waichulis as one of the judges in this kerfuffle. A scientism bimbo and the quintessential meat camera. I was just hate-reading more of his pdf primer, having to cease this time out after his discussion of "eye rests"; wherein he confuses the eye coming to rest on an area with the eye being given rest by contrasting less detailed areas against more intense areas. Citations citations everywhere, and not a drop to think. An IYI, as Nassim Taleb would say.
The herd is so desperate for leadership they'll follow anything that stands on its hind legs.
You really get wired and weird about your politics. Like bad hack work suddenly becomes important if it says what you want it to say. Like nobody can dislike propaganda just because it is propaganda. Like nobody can dislike Maoists just because they are talentless, controlling, humorless, vindictive, and deranged.
FV wrote: "you posted this one AGAIN solely because of your politics."
Hunh? Did I ever post this one before?
"In other words you aren't here to praise Caesar, but to foist his ideas on us under the pretends of praising Caesar."
Not sure I understand this either. All opinionated art hopes to persuade. Advertising art hopes to convince you to buy toothpaste. Caricature hopes you to see the ridiculous in its subject matter. If the art is convincing, it works. If the art isn't convincing, the artist fails.
The art of persuasion by Trump supporters shows muscle bound Trump wearing superhero costumes. He is depicted as having a huge penis and being protected by Jesus. Apparently such pictures are persuasive to a few sad supporters. But they're still more believable than pictures of Trump with a wise and thoughtful expression on his face, or of Trump caring for the poor or downtrodden, or of Trump depicted as a scholar of American history and politics, or even of Trump reading a book. Those would be too far fetched.
On the other hand, if you don't think Metz's symbols of the captured Republican party, Trump cracking the whip, and the despoiled capitol building make sense, you haven't been paying attention.
Kev Ferrara wrote: "Is a painted poem about a tree slumping and swaying in a rainstorm an "argument with the world" or "an argument with ourselves?"
I think Yeats was offering his theory as a way of telling whether a message was primarily propaganda or art, not as a way of distinguishing between an apple and a pear in a still life. Perhaps Yeats' circle of friends understood him because they were not as endocrinologically disputatious as the commenters here.
"Drawing and painting well requires love, faith, commitment, talent, fortitude, and technique. We find that in Dunn...."
OK, here is Dunn's World War I propaganda poster to rouse citizens to a patriotic cause: . When you'e finished explaining the "love, faith and commitment" in this rather perfunctory graphic, put yourself in the shoes of the art director of an advertising agency trying to hire the most powerful, effective, imaginative artist to motivate your target audience. Who do you pick? Dunn or Metz?
The Metz was not posted, recommended and discussed here as if it had been:
You didn't understand the Caesar point? The point is it looks like you hope to persuade us (or maybe even yourself) by re-recommending the propaganda. The praise for it is a pretext to spread the political opinion. The politics is very boomer lib.
~ FV
"I qualify that, however, by adding that I think it may take a little time for us to become comfortable with the different "look" of new media."
The point was made that it never looks as good. It either goes 'photorealist' (broadly speaking, evn if it presents impossibilities) or apes effects of tools.
To do this, it either uses the mechanical box of pre-made parts at its disposal, or infills, 'dots/patches' and gradations that are extremely clumsy & mechanically circumscribed, and show in the results (even in the best of them).
You can like the effects of the smallest unit or chord/combination of these that the digital tool can offer its user, much as we can like Stevie Wonder's keyboard with notes made from electronically altered sampled sounds. Or the sharper/resonant/eruptive sound of an electric guitar. They lose most of the acoustic beauty of a plucked/hammered string, but they might compensate with their textures. And both kinds are played. At what point did the digital artist cease playing and begin assembling samples ?
"A lot of people seem to recoil at digital art, not because of the image itself but because they aren't convinced the artist worked hard enough to deserve moral credit for the image"
- Credit can be given as far as it in fact belongs. If the artist's involvement extended only to creating the arrangement, that's where it stops.
If he used body parts he nicked from somewhere and modified their surface, was it done in a manner to modulate them artistically or to disguise their origin? Both ? Are these questions irrelevant ?
"Or they get distraught that comparing digital art with the work of their favorite analog artist heroes might unfairly undermine their favorite (in a John Henry / steam drill competition). "
- A chainsaw is faster than an axe. I've seen some clever work done with chainsaws, granted. And I've seen impossibly beautiful netsukes that show how sympathetic resonance unites the animation in the natural world, that inside a person, and the infinitely subtle actions of the hand (using tools so close in nature to them as to form a part). This is transcendent, quite literally and however you care to take the word.
"Or they're afraid that acknowledging quality computer art will unravel their romantic notions about role of art in human nature. "
- The computer is less than chainsaw - it works in a simulation both of method and of product. You need to *reduce your effective capabilities to use one, and to reduce your imaginative capacity to believe in the result.
What they unravel is not romantic notions, but the *human, and - if you lower your inner bar to their level - your capacity to receive and be aware of all that can go under 'nature' in its very broadest sense.
'John Henry / steam drill competition'
I was thinking of Paul Bunyan.
Same thing.
David: "A lot of people seem to recoil at digital art, not because of the image itself but because they aren't convinced the artist worked hard enough to deserve moral credit for the image.”
In my critique of the Metz image I didn’t mention that fact that it was created digitally (just that it had lots of realistic detail). I was only criticising shortcomings in its composition. I’m sure my previous comments made clear than I’m not wedded to physical-hand-made images, and I’m open to digitally made images. I’m ready to champion digital images if they’re well done.
Re the compositional weaknesses: I don’t think you’ve ever mentioned the cartoonist Len Norris before, but he’s a veritable masterclass in composition. Look how in the following images he steers the eye around very busy areas (which have similar -and more- problems to solve than the Metz image) by giving them clear outlines against empty space. How when he pushes things into a narrow portion of the image (such as people standing in a doorway to one side) it never feels as if it was done because he had no room left. Everything feels deliberately placed and clear. Notice also how grounded in 3D space most of the images feel, with none of the teetering feeling of the Atlantic cover:
"OK, here is Dunn's World War I propaganda poster to rouse citizens to a patriotic cause: . When you'e finished explaining the "love, faith and commitment" in this rather perfunctory graphic, put yourself in the shoes of the art director of an advertising agency trying to hire the most powerful, effective, imaginative artist to motivate your target audience. Who do you pick? Dunn or Metz?"
What elevates an illustration over the commission, or it's propaganda purpose?
The 3rd Symphony didn't crumble when the dedication to Napoleon was removed.
The Dept. of Labour isn't hiring for the Boys Working Reserve any more, but Coll's poster endures
Thanks for those !
Laurence John-- Perhaps I took too much for granted. So many of the avowed anti-digital commenters have complained about the composition here crowding pre-existing elements and stock photos, I wrongly assumed your "cramped and teetering" point was in that same vein.
Personally, I don't share your reaction to the composition. Yes, there is a lot of vertical content piled up on the left side of the cover, but I think it is offset by the bright light and high contrast horizon on the right side of the cover (the eye always goes to the light first, and then circles back to the mid-tones). It's the values of a painting that are ultimately determinative, not the weight of the physical objects depicted on the left versus the airy space on the right. For me me the values painted on the right side of the cover balance the content on the left lead the eye exactly where it's supposed to go: everything about that content on the left (which you call "teetering") points us toward the destination (the illuminated capitol building). For example, we are looking over the shoulder of Trump and over the shoulder of the horse, to see what they are looking at; the entire shape that is a compositional arrow (bonded together by similar values), and that creates the central "movement" in the picture, more than any front raised leg on the horse would. So I think we ultimately have different reactions to the composition, but at least we understand each other.
As for Len Norris, I was not familiar with his work but I thank you for sharing his work because that, rather than politics, is the main purpose in convening here.
I'm for MAGA, yet I'm British, and my forefathers got bombed for four years straight by Nazi Germany. I agree with Bill and FV, JSL is talking like a deluded idiot.
"I think Yeats was offering his theory as a way of telling whether a message was primarily propaganda or art, not as a way of distinguishing between an apple and a pear in a still life."
I don’t get your point. I asked a very simple question as a test of Yeats’ sorting-hat theory. Is an evocative painting of a tree in the midst of a steel-gray storm an argument with the world by the artist or an argument with himself?
The point is that the theory is woefully limited. And not just by its origin in the mind of a literary artist, rather than a visual artist. It is limited by a myopic and binary understanding. It reminds me of that quote – maybe it was Truffaut – that he was only interested in art that either evidenced the virtuosic ease with which it was made, or the struggle.
Is a poetic painting of a storm-bowed tree an argument of some kind? Is Beethoven’s 6th an argument? If you express something true about the world, indisputably, in your art is that propaganda? If, on a particularly self-loathing day, you create a self-portrait that evokes Hitler’s face, have you made propaganda in that argument with yourself?
"OK, here is Dunn's World War I propaganda poster"
The poster is propaganda, the art is not. The art is just of soldiers running with their weapons.
I said, btw, “Drawing and painting well requires love, faith…”
Even though the Dunn running soldiers vignette is in fact not painted all that well, it still has more love, faith, commitment, talent, fortitude and technique than anything done in photoshop ever. Just as the worst real love affair has more humanity to it than any virtual pornographic go.
I’m not interested in “the effectiveness of visual communication” in the marketing or anti-marketing of products, narratives, causes, companies, coalitions, or partisans. I’m interested in Art. I’m interested in the synthesis of beauty and truth to suggestively express that which is common to all of us.
Critical observations...
Look at every transition in depth plane in the NYT illustration. He couldn't get the silhouetted photo-bits to separate. So what does he do? He sprays photoshop airbrush to fog it out to get the separation. Hackwork 101. He did it with the tree coming out of the carriage top. He did it to separate the horse from the road ahead. Does he know anything about how and why any given Golden Age Illustrator would have solved this problem without grabbing for the airbrush and smearing out part of the element? Does he care?
Silhouetting out Trump raising his fist to a crowd from a photo and then sticking a whip-like cliché in the upraised hand is, as far as artistry goes, gruel. A still, standing pose photo used as a stand-in for a sitting and active pose. Why? Because, well, it'll do. For carnival food.
Then there's the wrong type of whip swirling wholly unrealistically about in the sky, designed in total ignorance or imaginative failure of what it actually would have looked like had the ostensibly depicted action actually happened. Christ, look at any video or old illustration of a carriage and horse team. ANY!
Looks like a cold and foggy day in D.C. Hmmm, I don't see any breath coming out of the horse's nostrils. Nor out of Trump's mouth. Nor out of the tiny Elephant's. Wouldn’t Trump have worn a glove on that hand as he does in the cold? As team drivers wore all the time in the weather condition depicted? Yep. But I guess he doesn't if the pinched photo didn't. What great storytelling! What attention to detail!
This is all basic Howard Pyle teaching about narrative art; to research deeply, to live in the moment so deeply; to live in the era, as each figure, as each prop, as the action, as the weather, so that it comes alive. Not just naturalistically or historically, but illusionistically as well. That's art. This is photobashing on deadline. Belongs on Deviant Art with its artistic bretheren.
Your forefathers would be disgusted by you, Mr. MAGA. Trump loves neo-Nazi bullies in the US and backs Nazi sympathizers in German elections. He tells Germans to stop feeling bad about Nazi crimes. You MAGAs invite Hitler back because he scares you about immigrants and minorities. You MAGA fucks throw western civilization down the WC all because you're worried that DEI get credit they don't deserve.
Have you been paying any attention to the events in Germany that have caused the surge in support for the AfD ?
Even the left-wing, Social Democrat government in Denmark has had enough
Plus - The last left-wing coalition in Germany had these guys
Kev, I see what you were saying about the bars and chain in the closeup. The pixelation and bits of purple and green. Very obviously lower resolution than the elephant behind it. And where is the light coming from that shines on he elephant and top of the carriage? The sun is set at the horizon. Light from nowhere.
The dirt and rock road toward the Capitol is also not right. Mehz faked a mound of dirt at bottom right that creates a pinch point in the road that would be narrower than the carriage, given the perspective. Follow the prospective out the bottom edge of the cover and the carriage is actually floating, the perspective is all wrong for the carriage. There's also gaps between the rock ledges in the midground leading toward the building. I can't imagine two horses pulling an elephant over such terrain. Especially if it's wet out. And how is the carriage supposed to get up that steep cliff at the back of the road in the distance?
I agree that the stiff Trump pose taken from a rally and then the whip put awkwardly in his lightly closed hand (it doesn't actually fit correct if you look, he's holding it too daintily for the action) is the worst part.
I guess you can say it's all symbolical and so none of this stuff needs to be correct as long as the message gets across. But it all falls apart when you look closely just like AI. So let's not pretend its any good as art. It works as propaganda to fear monger boomer libs. Credit where credit is due.
~ FV
Ah, the 'antinazi' German Left......
Has he paid any attention to what DOGE is finding? Hell on wheels! Dude is repeating DNC/uniparty fear mongering verbatim instead of looking at the problem they're trying to hide. Get a different source of news bro, or they'll destroy your brains to keep you scared of shadows. So they can stay in power and keep grifting off the taxpayer. 1.5 million NGOs out there, a billion here and billion there. Trillions of dollars going out for bullshit. Kickbacks all over the place. It's stealing, clever clever stealing. Wake up out of the D.C. Truman Show! The D.C. corruption is staggering!
~ FV
DOGE isn't finding anything, dumbass. Try learning to read. Next try learning math. DOGE made lots of mistaken claims, miscalculations, fuckups by teenage computer geeks who don't know shit about government. Fired the people in charge of nuclear weapons and people in charge of air traffic to save money. Fraud means any program DOGE doesn't agree with. MAGA Nazis are too full of hate to read past the Fox headline.
Guess how much of what you just wrote were hoaxes? You deluded nitwit. What do you watch CNN? MSNBC? I bet you do.
You are repeating what you have been told by those who are trying to get political support to keep the grifts going. And it is working. That's why you are a democrat. That's why you get scared into saying Hitler Hitler Hitler, Russia Russia Russia, I'm With Her!, I'm with Ukraine!, Constitutional Crisis... Constitutional Crisis... Constitutional Crisis, The Walls Are Closing In On Trump!, Black Lives Matter but don't you dare say all lives matter or blue lives matter! Bunch of parrots and sheep. If DOGE doesn't fix this mess, we're done as a country. Maybe it won't. But I like the effort.
~ FV
"Black Lives Matter" began because black lives DIDN'T matter for centuries. The statistics are indisputable and horrifying. There was never any question about blue lives mattering; if you attack a cop they will hunt you down to the ends of the earth. So the people who rushed in to say "What about blue lives?" were just trying to find a way to thwart and confound black lives mattering.
Then came January 6 2021 and the same people who once shouted that "blue lives matter" attacked, beat, and caused the death of police, egged on by Trump. The same people who claimed to believe in "law and order" attacked the FBI and prosecutors and anyone else in law enforcement who disagreed with Trump's vigilante justice.
The amazing thing is that people can't recognize their own hypocrisy.
You know, it's not bad art, or even bad propaganda--though in a wretched cause. Pity it's selling copies of The Atlantic, which has come down hard in favor of censorship. (I keep one of the Anne Applebaum pieces in paper, because some day she will deny she ever said such things.) But Mr. Apatoff's initial comment misses an important point about Pinochio. The boys are not dragged off to be made into donkeys. They turn themselves into donkeys by their behavior. They aren't the only ones.
I hate to converse with a hysterical bitter-ender TDS-victim like you, but nobody who has looked at the actual crime stats from the last few decades believes any of the BLM rhetoric. Only the arrogant low information voters like you who think they're well-informed because they watch CNN and NBC or check the Guardian website hourly believe the given narratives.
Let's not forget that those who ran BLM, caught on tape calling themselves "trained marxists", embezzled money. $185k for personal bills, meals, vacations, by the Clarks for one example. Sean Patrick Cooper in the Free Press has an article you should seek out: Headline: BLM collected over $90 Million in Donations. Where did it go? Subhead: As its leaders spent the money on tailored suits, birthday parties, and 'big ass' mansions, almost none of it went to the cause. Turns out 99% of BLM's funding is unaccounted for. Multiply that x1000 and that's what DOGE is uncovering all over the NGO and activist landscape.
Six months after Chauvin's trial, police body cam footage that was just coincidentally kept back from public view was finally released. Showing a giant white wad of drugs in Floyd's mouth as the police first pulled him over. Did you see that? Bet you didn't. While he was still in the car he was saying he couldn't breathe. Did you see that? Maybe? Well of course he couldn't breathe; what he had in him would have killed a horse. Believe what you want, but don't ask me to do the same. There is a fifth column in this country, embedded in media and elsewhere that run political theater events to gain activist traction; that is being rooted out as we speak. It might take a while, and it is going to get noisy for sure. The last minute fast-tracking by Biden's FCC of George Soros' hostile takeover over of 200+ radio stations nationwide is one fight currently underway. He knows the Democrats only hope for survival is to own the means of propaganda. Imagine fast-tracking approval for your party's main donor to buy up 200 radio stations nationwide just as you're leaving power. Just another coincidence.
I didn't like the ugly scene on Jan. 6 at all. But Ashley Babbitt was the only person killed on Jan 6. Meanwhile, on the orders of who exactly, Twitter deleted the video of Trump calling for peace & for everyone to go home that day just minutes after he posted it. Why? Who gave the order? Who wanted the J6 chaos to get worse?
All the Jan. 6 prosecutors, who put on a produced Hollywood show for the cameras, have been preemptively pardoned. You were told because of the fear of Trump taking vengeance on them. And you believe what you are told. Don't you? The actual reason is more likely the same as the reason Biden pardoned all his business cronies in the last hours of his bizarre administration. Liars and crooks who make millions by misusing our government for their own ends need friends in high places and rock solid escape plans.
Only Democrats living in the activist Truman Show remains true believers in any of the televised progressive narratives of the last decade or so. Gullible and angry all day every day. That's how you are controlled.
When Trump said "I love the poorly educated" he meant the MAGA asshole who keeps writing here about Marxists and socialists. Trump is the biggest fan that Russia ever had. He believes Putin ahead of US law enforcement. He believes Putin against Ukraine. He believes Putin against NATO and he undermines the historical western alliance. He votes for Putin in the UN against our allies. He asks Putin to hack Hilary's emails. Trump only removes his tongue from Putin's rectum long enough to lie to poorly educated voters in the US, the ones who believed Trump's racist birther lie about Obama. Why don't you take your uneducated MAGA self someplace else and let the rest of us talk about art.
Chillax, dude 😎
Generations of brave Americans died to defend the country from Russian aggressors. How disgusting to watch draft dodger Trump sell out Ukraine and the west today in the White House. How sickening to watch ignorant MAGAs write in here supporting his betrayal.
Nato chiefs had told Zelensky he had to surrender large chunks of Ukraine to Putin several times last year, before Trump's election.
'Generations of brave Americans died to defend the country from Russian aggressors.'
Uhm....y' might want to check that
Ukraine and NATO are money-laundering scams for globalist connected elites, dimwit. Why do you think Hunter Biden, a cracked-out p•dophile, got a no-show million dollar job from Burisma? You stupid gullible cracker. Why do you think only 2% of the money allocated to help Haiti actually made it to the people there?
You are a dupe. A patsy. A schmuck. A rube. Please god shut the hell up and stop pretending you're the smart one. You're not.
I used to believe that only a truly ignorant person could support Trump but clearly some of the people here aren't ignorant. That leaves stupid or racist.
You're an embarrassment. You believe every slanderous thing the pathogenic globalists tell you to believe about those who oppose them - as commanded down through the crooked uniparty/Democrat party's awe-inspiring propaganda messaging apparatus.
You and those like you are the reason this country is so divided. Because you have so much ego and hatred in your heart - for your absent or crappy father, your own ineptitude, or some bullying your received in grade school - that you can't see straight what is actually going on.
The parasites have locked you in as an unpaid propagandist for their authoritarian control and grift because you can't control your emotions. They know exactly how to manipulate you. That hit of self-righteousness is so so sweet, isn't it? Where you get the top-down sanction to call others "stupid" or "racist" with no fear of social stigma. You addict. You child.
You poor shmuck. It's your blind rage that makes it so easy for a con man like Trump to manipulate you.
Come on dude, you're just repeating things. Be a little original. Make an argument. Say something that sounds informed. You can't be this much of a rhetorical oaf while calling other people dumb and ignorant. Make an effort.
I've talked with cult members like you before. They gave up every principle that ever mattered to the Republican party for the last 75 years in exchange for power, even if it was in the hands of a pathological liar who was able to sew together a coalition of white trash, bigots, neo-Nazis, uneducated blue collar workers trapped in a tech economy, Palestinians angry at Biden about Israel and a few billionaires who think their taxes are too high. You don't need any effort from me, look at your Republican leaders like Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, J.D. Vance, Nikki Haley, Bill Barr and all the others who warned he was a dangerous bigot and a demagogue and a cancer on the Republican party before they were each forced to suck him off in exchange for power. I'll accept Vance's reasons for calling Trump "Hitler."
You have zero media literacy for modern information warfare. You speak in NPC sound bites; the simple installed slanders and assertions that come from television shows and websites that pretend to be the news. You wouldn't know how to challenge even one of your programmed beliefs, even for a million dollars. And you couldn't handle it emotionally to even try.
As these next few years roll on and the various Democrat money laundering operations get exposed and dry up and many of the D.C. crooks, grifters, and liars get chased out of town, you will continue to be unable to find or accept accurate information. Leading you to become ever increasingly confused, angry and bitter.
I knew that anyone who could blind themselves to support Trump would be a waste of time because you could never be swayed by facts. I knew you'd dismiss the quotes of the top Republican leaders as "NPC sound bites." Your pathological liar president counts on this. He needs you to believe he never said the things he was videotaped saying yesterday or that he had the biggest turnout for his speeches despite the photographic proof that he didn't. The same followers refuse to believe science about vaccines or climate change. Keep denying empirical facts until you find yourself in the 2030 Nuremberg trials for crimes against humanity.
Your time isn't valuable.
Now don't say that. In a few years when the civilized world puts you and the rest of Trump's nazis on trial for your crimes against humanity you'll need all the friends you can get.
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