I'm taking a 24 hour break from our series on digital art to observe election day in the United States.
Here are a few panels from a classic Al Williamson story for EC, written by the prophet Ray Bradbury.
For any youngsters out there who may need a little more of the background:
All right, who stepped off the path?
The 'butterfly effect' is a reductionist belief. The world does not work like this.
Lyman did win yesterday.
If this theory were true, every single breath we take would fundamentally change the world.
As far as the art, it too is like a sci-fi counterfactual. It asks "What if Al Williamson had never studied with John Prentice." Oh how the world would have been different!
Anonymous-- you'll have to do better than "the world does not work like this" if you expect me to give up my best possible explanation for how a free and democratic people could elect a grotesque caricature of a human being. The alternative explanations are far too dark.
Kev Ferrara-- No, Bradbury only says that a breath COULD change the world, not that it would. Plenty of influential people-- from Sophocles to Jimi Hendrix-- are alleged to have suffocated for want of a breath, but there have also been trillions of breaths that have made no difference at all. We just got unlucky with this butterfly.
David, "The 'butterfly effect' is a reductionist belief. The world does not work like this." was me - for some reason I have to re-sign in every time I switch on my laptop, and I keep forgetting to do that!
you'll have to do better than "the world does not work like this" if you expect me to give up my best possible explanation for how a free and democratic people could elect a grotesque caricature of a human being. The alternative explanations are far too dark.
Maybe they were voting for things other than the personality of the incumbent.
This Brit jus' sayin'.
Off the top of my head, "Trans kids", and parents losing custody of theirs for not going along with something so utterly abusive ?
Bad man, or utter lunatics, and no option 3....
Exhibit A:
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