Monday, January 20, 2025


I find Boris Vallejo's painting of bodybuilder Jesus hilarious.  

It's hard to imagine a picture more clueless about who Jesus was, what he stood for, the significance of the cross, or the principles of the New Testament.  Vallejo's urge to worship bulging muscles might be understandable but its dumbnicity is comical.

There's a long history of imperial art dedicated to the glorification of powerful leaders. The ancient Egyptians and Romans at the height of their imperial power understood the effectiveness of monumental sculptures and triumphal arches.  They erected tall, powerful columns as not-so-subtle symbols of their potency. The creators of the immense statue of Ramesses II or the epic Trajan's column knew how to manifest power.  

In this tradition, Roman sculptors created powerful statues to flatter their emperor.  But flattery can only go so far; if a Roman artist ever tried to portray an emperor with fake muscles popping out like a sack of potatoes, the crowds would've rolled on the ground laughing. The Roman public was not that stupid and the Roman emperors were not that shameless.


Anonymous said...

Here's even more bizarre "hero" shots of the most corrupt and inept fascist car salesman dimwit to ever occupy the Oval Office.

T said...

LOL, I knew that final image type was coming!!

seb said...

It's an image that wants to create engagement. even if the reaction is negative, it still achieved its purpose. So as much as it pains me to say it... This is a succesful image.

Anonymous said...

This is a successful image because of the fucking baboons who spent millions buying it on Trump NFTs and trading cards while pissing about having no money for groceries under President Biden. What a country.

Movieac said...

Ask Stormy Daniels about that bulge.

Anonymous said...

The gaudy overcompensating.

Anonymous said...

Parody or sincere ? I'd have guessed the former with both pictures (Boris has even outdone his theriantrope lesbians with that one) , but who can tell anymore....

Anonymous said...

..... the welcome he gave to president 'Putin' correlates with the kryptonite found in Joe-El's ice cream cones last summer

Gianmaria Caschetto said...

I’m guessing the picture of Trump is some kind of AI generated amenity, I see therefore little point in commenting on it. The Vallejo's piece, on the other hand, does invite some discussion. First off, are we sure it's not meant to be ironic, like the National Lampoons Vacations movie posters he has done?
(makes me think of a joke by Italian comedian Daniele Luttazzi: "When I was a kid in church, looking at Our Lord on the cross, my thought was: Look at those abs!”")

More than the ovrall taste of the piece it's a couple of details that really bug me.
First, the hands. Jesus' left hand fingers look... off. And the lighting on both does not seem to match test of the picture (to be fair, that might just be how the photo was taken).

Then there's the cross. Not so much that it's a polished, clan cut piece of wood (one I dare say might not be historically accurate) but the way it's broken by Jesus' power move neither is visually appealing nor looking correct.

Does anyone else feel the same way?

I feel obliged to say that I myself am a mediocre artist (at best) and that I do respect Vallejo's skills as a painter. I've enjoyed a number his commercial pieces in the past (I’m only pointing out the details that stand out to me, but hopefully I don’t come across as a total a**hole).

David Apatoff said...

Anonymous #1-- I didn't look at all of them, but it seems that most of your examples of a "buff" Joe Biden were intended to ridicule his obviously frail condition, not to feed the macho fantasies of his supporters. In that sense-- as an insult rather than a brag-- the Biden images seem much more justifiable, and the better art.

seb-- I agree, the Trump images were highly successful (and very lucrative for Trump!) The artist understood his audience very well; they weren't looking for a wise or kind expression. They weren't looking for symbols of statesmanship or accomplishment. They wanted nothing but big muscles and a big penis, and that's what the artist shrewdly gave them.

Movieac-- Good point. I'm guessing that all of these disturbing lumps are equally exaggerated.

There's a statue of Hercules in Florence's Piazza della Signoria, by Renaissance sculptor Baccio Bandinelli, with big muscular protuberances popping out all over his back like potatoes. Bandinelli was apparently jealous of Michelangelo's muscular David which was beloved by the citizens of Florence. He thought the way to outdo his rival Michelangelo was to take muscles even further. Unfortunately, for centuries Bandinelli's statue has been ridiculed by the citizens and called "potato boy." That's what comes of art driven by jealousy and vengeance. I have to believe that years from now people will be laughing at the grotesque images of super hero Trump and ask, "My god, what were they thinking?"

David Apatoff said...

Gianmaria Caschetto-- if we don't comment on AI generated images, ten years from now there may be nothing to comment on. I do think that AI images can involve conceptual and curation images that are worthy of addressing.

As for your not being a great professional artist, I wouldn't let that constrain you in any way. My experience is that many professional artists are unwilling to speak candidly about the work of their peers, for fear of sounding petty or jealous. So you have the gift of freedom which they lack! Enjoy it!

kev ferrara said...

Boris' Anabolic Jesus is Ed Wood-level great entertainment. It transcends its badness with its sustained misguided earnestness.

David Apatoff said...

Anonymous-- I'm afraid you're missing the point. It doesn't count as "all in good fun" if the fun part is taunting the libtards (which it obviously is). This image is the same as all the other images commissioned by Trump (hardly known for his self-deprecatory humor or sense of irony) for his digital trading card NFT series. They served as a fund-raising war whoop, not self-ridicule. Their simple message ("big muscles/big penis") appeals to a less educated segment of humanity. That just shows how audiences have dumbed down since Stalin's socialist realist images of the 1930s.

Anonymous said...

You believed the Russiagate Hoax for years, Mr. Superior. So maybe don't flatter yourself so much that you're all that well informed. You obviously consume Boomer Propaganda uncritically. Who knows how many hoaxes you still take as Pravda.

David Apatoff said...

Anonymous-- I'd like to keep this blog from turning into another political forum, even in these highly politicized times. Someday I'll post an essay about whether art can serve as litmus test for identifying morons, but this is not that day.

In response to one point, I'm not sure why you say I "believed the Russiagate Hoax for years" since I've never spoken or written about it. But the fact that you call it a "hoax" suggests that you've spent too much time looking at wishful thinking pictures of Trump with a big penis and not enough time doing your homework. Ultra-conservative sites such as the Cato Institute took a comprehensive look long ago and admitted that Russiagate was not a hoax as Trump claimed. Their conclusion: Trump was "perfectly fine with an unfriendly authoritarian regime illegally interfering in a U.S. presidential election to assist him by stealing political documents from his opponent." Check it out at
( ), or look it up at dozens of objective sources such as wikipedia: ( ). Specifically, the Mueller report only concluded that Trump's request that the Russians hack Clinton's emails (another funny Trump joke?) was not sufficient to bring conspiracy or coordination charges against Trump. But there's no question that the Russians did interfere in the election with the purpose of sabotaging Clinton's campaign and helping Trump. Look it up. This is an era for careful thinking.

Movieac said...

“Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.”
― Mark Twain

Anonymous said...

"This is an era for careful thinking" so look at "objective sources" like wikipedia. Okay, Boomer. Larry Sanger, the co-founder of wikipedia says, "No encyclopedia, to my knowledge, has been as biased as Wikipedia has been." He said the whole thing has crumbled from a site for "democratized knowledge" into one for "pro-establishment propaganda."

And yes, you said years ago on this blog in comments that Trump was a Russian agent, a proxy for Putin, just as the Clinton campaign propagandized into your brain through MSNBC. You've conveniently forgotten. Now you've backed away from that and say the whole thing is that Trump was serious when he joked from the stage about Hillary Clinton's deleted emails on her purposefully destroyed personal server. Who knows how you think he could have been serious about Russia getting those emails from her server when everybody knows she used Bleach Bit and then smashed the server to bits. More of your "careful thinking?" That diligence is surely why you linked me to a "former Cultural Studies Fellow" as your go to CATO source for Russiagate info. I guess whoever says what you want is telling the truth?

It is still not known how the DNC material were hacked. Sorry, but that's the truth. The investigators have guesses, judgments, and hypotheses. That's it. But, we now know, just as one coincidence in the affair among countless others, that not only was the whole "Hallmarks of Russian Propaganda" claim an absolute lie regarding the HB laptop. But that Elvis Chan, the FBI agent named in connection with Facebook suppression of Hunter laptop coverage, in late Sept 2016 was involved in assessing the zip file published by Guccifer 2 in Sept/Oct 2016. How weird the same guy was involved in trying to pin Guccifer to Russia too. And he wasn't the only one. If you believe these crooked Democrat hacks, you're a fool.

The only Russian interference we can be sure of is the troll farm stuff. Which was laughable. New Yorker said it was to bring about "cacophony" and chaos in the U.S. And it attacked both sides. Do your own research. If you rely on MSNBC you will be as big of a propagandist as they are. (Although Rachel Maddow's defense in the $10 million defamation lawsuit was that she was providing "entertainment" not news.)

Anonymous said...

Have to agree with the above. Trump is an asshole, but the Russia collusion thing was nonsense. This has been accepted by media outside the US (which is anything but pro-Trump), and while it certainly has its own problems with establishment bias hasn't nearly gotten as bad as that in the US (overall - there are certainly sectors with the same issues).
"...keep this blog from turning into another political forum..", but keep posting Trump stuff...?

Manqueman said...

Happy to see I'm not the first to look at the Vallejo image and know that weird, bizarre, maybe sacrilegious as it is, of course there's a market for it. And really, we're in a society where the most important issue for an image like that is if there's a market.
But US society has finally reached a point of which the commies accused us back in the day: thoroughly decadent. Shem and sense are dead (or close enough).

Anonymous said...

Before things get ugly, some levity on non-partisan lines, and a reminder that the Commies' latest iteration ( that ideology of dissolution of the human, natural and rational; here in its role of parenting the proletariat through State-funded art in Britain and europe ) also ails under its own unique spirals of compounding decadence and lunacy
(Think the magazine is defunct now, or at least on hiatus, ....raises a smile)

Anonymous said...

more -

Anonymous said...

The most post-modern of all US Presidents - above all signyfying the hithertoo obfuscated and singularly true political reality that nothing is true & everything permitted.

The bulge is never that which conceals the truth -- it is the truth which conceals that there is none. The bulge is true.

- - -
Postmodern Anonymouse

Anonymous said...

Is anyone on this blog sick enough to vote for that disgusting asshole Trump? I thought people here were smart.

David Apatoff said...

Hey all you "Anonymous" commenters, it would sure help clarify the discussion if you included some identifier (such as "Anonymous #7" or "Anonymous for Trump.") In this regard, I'm grateful to "Postmodern Anonymouse."

As for the Anonymous who claims, "you said years ago on this blog in comments that Trump was a Russian agent, a proxy for Putin," your comment intrigued me so I used the search function on blogger to go back through every comment mentioning Trump and found no such comment. If you can point me to it, I'd be grateful. What I did find was the following request, which still applies:

"one of the greatest sources of satisfaction for me is that extreme rightwing artists write me praising the work I've shown by extreme leftwing artists, and extreme leftwing artists write me praising the work I've shown by extreme rightwing artists. Both extremes recognize and appreciate excellence in a way that transcends political squabbles. That gives me great hope for the future.

I've tried to be meticulous about standards, making sure that drawing ability is the sole ticket for admission to this blog, regardless of politics. (Apparently, some of you missed Telnaes' unflattering portrait of Hillary Clinton or Tom Fluharty's savagely brilliant but always hilarious portrait of her.) I deeply admire the talent of conservative political cartoonists Michael Ramirez and Scott Stantis, but even those cartoonists, famous for their anti-Obama or Biden cartoons, sometimes depict Trump as a jackass.

I solicit your help: I've made a good faith effort to find excellent political cartoonists who draw Trump favorably, but I only seem to come upon Trump supporters like Rob Larrikin or Jon McNaughton whose artistic abilities are, in my opinion, terrible. If you know of such an artist who you believe has excellent drawing skills, please bring them to my attention so we can feature them in the new year."

David Apatoff said...

Anonymous who sent links to The Jackdaw-- Thanks, very entertaining. Of course, large publicly funded art opens up a whole new set of exasperating issues. The city of Florence was fortunate enough to have the Medici family connoisseurs commissioning its public art; that's how they ended up with Michelangelo's David in the town square. But even then, there were bitter rivalries and political campaigns for different artists. Today we not only have to worry about tasteless bureaucrats putting up horrible art, but agitated factions trying to remove public art which contains micro-aggressions against some group or another. I'm not sure what the solution is, but I'm sure it's not doing away with public art altogether.

David Apatoff said...

Anonymous who wrote, "the Russia collusion thing was nonsense. This has been accepted by media outside the US (which is anything but pro-Trump)," at the risk of re-opening the political debate, can you tell me which "media outside the US" you mean? Perhaps send me a cite or two? Unless you're talking about Pravda.

Anonymous said...

You sound like such a bulge.

Anonymous said...

The pitfalls on the wayside of ideologically friven funding have become a deliberate destination. I'll point to - "both Eliot and Orwell forecast that before long such an organisation would begin telling artists what to do " - as it describes things better than I can, and I'm such the analogies to things happening elsewhere will be apparent to many.

Richard said...

It's hard to imagine a picture more clueless about who Jesus was, what he stood for, the significance of the cross, or the principles of the New Testament.

I'm not a Christian, so take this with a grain of salt, but I have studied Christianity a bit, and I don't see anything theologically troubling about the Vallejo's depiction of Christ.

To a Christian "who he was" is literally God, the most powerful being in the universe. Muscles seem fitting metaphor for 'The Lion of the Tribe of Judah'. Yes, rays of light and a crown are more common, but this is not the only way to show that God is the most powerful.

Michelangelo in Risen Christ and The Last Judgement also made Jesus jacked. Albeit, what constituted being jacked in the Renaissance is different from today. (They had neither the protein, knowledge about the mechanics of hypertrophy nor the anabolics we do today.)

What he stood for? He is painted by El Greco, Caravaggio, and many others angrily whipping money changers in the temple. He inspired countless invasions of the holy land. He stands as the judge at the end of time who will decide who burns for eternity.

Thinking of Jesus as strong is much older than Michelangelo and El Greco. In the ~8th century Dream of Rood, the poet tells us:
"Then dared I not against the Lord’s word
bend or break, when I saw earth’s
fields shake. All fiends
I could have felled, but I stood fast.
The young hero stripped himself – he, God Almighty –
strong and stout-minded. He mounted high gallows,
bold before many, when he would loose mankind."
"Now I command you, loved man of mine,
that you this seeing[9] tell unto men;
discover with words that it is glory’s beam
which Almighty God suffered upon
for all mankind’s manifold sins
and for the ancient ill-deeds of Adam.
Death he tasted there, yet God rose again
by his great might, a help unto men.
He then rose to heaven. Again sets out hither
into this Middle-Earth, seeking mankind
on Doomsday, the Lord himself,
Almighty God, and with him his angels,
when he will deem – he holds power of doom –
everyone here as he will have earned
for himself earlier in this brief life."

In Paradise Lost, we're told of Jesus on his way to battle Satan (which occurs directly after the crucifixion) --
"He in celestial Panoply all arm'd
Of radiant Urim, work divinely wrought,
Ascended; at his right hand Victory
Sat eagle-wing’d; beside him hung his bow
And quiver with three-bolted Thunder stor’d;
And from about him fierce effusion roll’d
Of Smoke, and bickering Flame, and Sparkles dire:
Attended with ten thousand Saints
He onward came; far off his coming shon;
And twenty thousand (I their number heard)
Chariots of God, half on each hand were seen"
"So spake the Son, and into terror chang’d
His count’nance too severe to be beheld
And full of wrath bent on his Enemies.
At once the Four spread out their Starrie wings
With dreadful shade contiguous, and the Orbs
Of his fierce Chariot roll’d, as with the sound
Of torrent Floods, or of a numerous Host.
He on his impious Foes right onward drove,
Gloomie as Night;"

And earlier in the Letter of Lentulus --
"He is terrible in his reprimands, sweet and amiable in his admonitions, cheerful without loss of gravity. He was never known to laugh, but often to weep. His stature is straight, his hands and arms beautiful to behold. His conversation is grave, infrequent, and modest. He is the most beautiful among the children of men."

I'll give St. Augustine the last word --
"The physical face of the Lord is pictured with infinite variety by countless imaginations, though whatever it was like He certainly had only one. Nor as regards the faith we have in the Lord Jesus Christ it is in the least relevant to salvation what our imaginations picture Him like...What does matter is that we think of Him as man."

Anonymous said...

Right, and is anyone here sick enough to have voted for that drunken, coke-snorting, cackling, word salad-spewing, genocide-supporting, clueless downright moron, Kamala Harris? I doubt it.

kev ferrara said...

"I have studied Christianity a bit, and I don't see anything theologically troubling about the Vallejo's depiction of Christ.

To a Christian "who he was" is literally God, the most powerful being in the universe. Muscles seem fitting metaphor for 'The Lion of the Tribe of Judah'. Yes, rays of light and a crown are more common, but this is not the only way to show that God is the most powerful."

Thanks for gathering and laying out all the poetry on the subject. Though my ignorance of religious matters is still prodigious and shameful, I must yet agree that muscular bulk is a complete misread of the nature of Jesus' divine powers. Boris’ imagery frankly smacks more of recent mass social developments in fatherlessness and the misallocated longings of born-again or arrested man-boys that resulted rather than anything Biblical-metaphorical.

But even if we grant your bulky-muscles-as-metaphors-of-divine-strength idea - the absurdity of the picture still remains. The pose is simply that; a pose; obviously yet another bodybuilder still shot. Yet the painting purports to be an action picture of Jesus breaking the cross. So the picture self-falsifies just at that level; a still figural reference, followed slavishly in paint, yoked to an action idea. Elements in fundamental disagreement.

But additionally, there’s simply no way that wood would break like that on either side of the cross. Let alone at the same time. Absurd representation of the nature of the material involved under stress and fracturing. For the level of literalism attempted in trying to convey this violent action – the little fissures in the wood at the break points, for example - there is a complete failure to imagine the actual event with any creative integrity whatsoever. “How would this really be?” is a question never adequately asked, let alone answered by the artist. (For one thing, it would certainly require less strength to pull the nails out of the wood than to break apart the wood using the nails as anchors. Thus, that would be what would happen in any such attempt; the nails would come out first. That’s the whole point of the claw part of a standard hammer; the assumption that the nail would come out of the wood long before even injuring the wood via the leverage involved.)

But even if some artist could manage to portray a cross-wrecking ‘roided out Jesus with some experiential vitality – with splinters of wood everywhere and the crack of thunder suggestively emanating from the effort – the assumption would still be that the cross was broken apart not by muscular action, but by divine force. So the muscular bulk would still be superfluous. As well as anachronistic to the Biblical Era.

Long ago I posited on this blog a definition of Kitsch that I think applies here; a marketing scheme that fails badly pretending to be art.

kev ferrara said...

"As for the Anonymous who claims, "you said years ago on this blog in comments that Trump was a Russian agent, a proxy for Putin," your comment intrigued me so I used the search function on blogger to go back through every comment mentioning Trump and found no such comment."

I too remember you saying something like this years ago. Presumably in 2017. But you only alluded to it. I don't think you used names. It was similar to when, last year, you wished into the air for (paraphrasing here) "a candidate with all his cognitive faculties intact." I think your readers knew who you meant in both instances.

I haven't had success searching the comments of this blog in many years. The internet fundamentally changed when Google did that overnight swtich-out many years back, presumably when they nested under the umbrella of Alphabet Inc. Which also buried this blog in the search results.

David Apatoff said...

Thanks a heckuva lot, Richard-- It's not enough that we have commenters foaming at the mouth over politics, now you want to ignite a debate over religion too? I appreciate your contrarian nature, but isn't that taking things too far.

However, I just re-read Paradise Lost a couple of years ago, and it was such a brilliant masterpiece I can't help rising to your bait. In Paradise Lost, God's sacrifice of Jesus is what makes humankind worthy of Heaven, so if Jesus broke free of the cross and smashed it with his mighty muscles, that would defeat the whole purpose. There would be no sacrifice, and no redemption of humankind. You'd be writing those wiseguy comments from the purifying flames of Hades.

PS-- there's no need to stray beyond the Bible itself. Go back and read the sermon on the mount.

David Apatoff said...

Kev Ferrara-- The only thing I found that came even close was from an August 2018 discussion about socialist realism, comparing pro-Trump and anti-Trump art. One commenter wrote that liberals had exaggerated Trump's relationship with Russia. I agreed, but suggested that they may have been provoked by the fact that Trump was such a flagrant liar, and had been so successful at it with his undiscriminating audience, his critics were tempted to lower their standards for evidence. Here's what I wrote:

"I agree that there are a lot of facile connections being drawn between Trump and Russia, but I fear that epistemological criteria have taken a nosedive here. Anyone who tries to apply traditional evidentiary standards to Mr. Trump will never be able to keep up, as he will shamelessly change his explanation of reality from day to day, denying even that he said things he was publicly videotaped saying. Under such circumstances people eventually get frustrated and start resorting to the things you describe."

Anonymous said...

"Perhaps send me a cite or two? Unless you're talking about Pravda."
Is that you, cousin Vinny ?
Invested journalists never recant, I don't think that's in doubt or controversial - go to the (UK) Times or Telegraph if you want something more balanced.
What I was referring to was our local phenomenon of all the main tv outlets (BBC/ITV/Sky/C4) running the collusion story for several years, where it held a pretty much permanent fixture among the top 5 interntional stories on any given day, until the time of those two reports which were given some coy, tail-between-the-legs coverage. Then 'let'sneverspeakofthisagain' silence.
There's plenty of valid criticism you could throw at Trump. Or you could concentrate on silly AI pictures only taken seriously as icons - or as evidence of why people voted Republican - by morons. And then complain about people bringing politics into it.

David Apatoff said...

Anonymous-- Boy, this political name-calling gets tiring real fast. If you ever DO happen to find an example of "the media outside the US accepting that the Russia collusion thing was nonsense," please send me a link. I don't read the (UK) Times or Telegraph but from the UK I read the Economist daily and found no such revisionism.

kev ferrara said...

No you said that later. It wasn't that kind of direct accusation. It was allusory. No proper names. That's my memory of it anyway. It was something, or it would be something like "If only we weren't serving under a leader compromised by a foreign power." But even that is too direct. Anyway, I'm not about to attempt to chase down a seven year old allusive quote buried 40 comments down in an unrelated blog post using some increasingly faulty search engine, so I have little further to add.

Anonymous said...

None of this is unfamiliar to you -

Anonymous said...
'He was detained as part of an inquiry into the origins of *baseless claims that Mr Trump colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election'

Movieac said...

I solemnly pledge to forever abstain from speaking of politics on this site. It shall henceforth be a Trump-free zone where the only debates will be about brush or pen strokes, and whether AI art counts as "real art." Here, we honor the achievements of illustrators and dive into the history of their craft—no campaigns, no slogans, just pure artistic bliss. So help me and Alfred E. Neuman.

Aleš said...

Don't forget the Korean Jesus who could kick Boris's Jesus's ass:

Anonymous said...

Yes run away. Meanwhile, you and those like you who arrogantly think the other side is just a bunch of "idiots" really need to educate yourself about the Democrat/Globalist lie machine. It is enormously effective and it has no ethics whatsoever. They never stop lying and manipulating the public through media.Trillions of dollars and infinite global power is involved.

Last week the hoax was that Elon musk made some Nazi hand gesture, today it's that the Tuskegee Airmen were specifically removed from some Air Force training because Trump wants to eradicate black history, or some such bs. What will it be next week? They said the MSG rally in NY was a nazi rally (even though there were jewish flags up all over.) They said that Biden pardoned his whole family and all the January 6 members because they are afraid of Trump wanting political revenge on them (rather them actually abusing their powers to make millions from foreign governments and weapons contracts and to try jail their political opponents who might interrupt their massive grifting. And so actually they all deserve to be investigated and potentially jailed for being the lawless and corrupt Junta they are.)

Once you realize that these people who now control the Democrat party and its legacy media outlets want information control of this country and are phenomenally evil and slanderous and use the media to pull hoax after hoax that scares the wits out of dumb liberals, particular neurotic white women and minorities, to control their vote, political life becomes very different.

The entire corrupt ecosystem of Washington D.C. and all the NGO scams stealing money from the taxpayers is now under direct threat from this new administration and all the grand scammers pretending to be activists are freaking out. Every greatest grift of all time seems to be under threat at the same time right now. The media, which is owned by these globalist enterprises, will be slander central going forward. And confused but intelligent Liberal Boomers, like our Mr. Apatoff and other 'Davos Men', who have no idea what has happened to their media ecosystem and who dislike Trump on a personal level so vehemently that they can't see the wool being pulled over their eyes, will keep defending the evil.

Jeffrey Epstein's Clinton Painting

Anonymous said...

What is this, Charlie Hebdo?

~ FV

David Apatoff said...

Wow. That's pretty scary. And more than a little bit sad.

Anonymous said...

John Brennan did not receive a preemptive pardon. This will not go well for him. And the guess is that, to save himself, the whole lawfare insurrection plot against trump will come unraveled. We'll see.

chris bennett said...

Is anyone on this blog sick enough to vote for that disgusting asshole Trump? I thought people here were smart.

I'm British, but heck, I'd vote for someone who was going to rid the workplace of DEI, insist on the biological truth that there are only two genders, ban alphabet flags on government buildings, secure the nation's borders and deport illegal immigrants.
I love my country, but the version of democrats we have running Britain at the moment on 20% of the national vote make me, for the first time in my life, envious of the USA.

Anonymous said...

About the Roman artists: For many decades Augustus was portrayed as a beefy young man in his prime, filling out a muscle cuirass nicely, while the reality was a smallish guy with bad skin and crumbling teeth (Suetonius). Most emperors were portrayed in a stylized, idealized way (Trajan, Constantine...). Perhaps the muscles didn't bulge that much on the sculptures, but they certainly weren't realistic, contemporary portraits, nor intended to be or understood as such. They were projections and symbols of imperial power (and indeed religious symbols, since the emperor was high priest). The real Augustus would make sacrifices or speeches right next to these idealized images, and he wasn't laughed at or it wouldn't have happened. The difference between the presumably strong and fit carpenter in Judea and the Vallejo may not be quite so absurd in this perspective.

David Apatoff said...

Anonymous-who-wrote-about-the-Roman-artists-- I agree 100% that the Roman sculptors idealized the emperors and senators; they improved their posture, broadened their shoulders, hid their venereal diseases and gave them noble expressions. That's what I meant when I said the sculptors flattered their subjects to glorify their imperial rule. But I've never seen a sculpture of a Roman emperor looking as comically grotesque as the Trump image, and I suspect that even superstitious and uneducated Roman plebeians weren't gullible enough to be duped by such risible distortions. The ancient Romans apparently had better taste in art and-- with the possible exception of Caligula-- leaders.

Anonymous said...

The truth is that Mr. Apatoff voted for Trump. And he just runs on about Trump on this blog so his life doesn't get destroyed by all those tolerant leftists who brook no dissent from their beliefs. Who will vilify, slander, smear, de-bank, and get fired any "idiot" or "dupe" who dares to dissent from the Globalist WEF World Love Orthodoxy. We feel you Mr. Apatoff. None of us want to be destroyed by these vile lunatics either.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha. Probably not! Troll troll troll!

~ FV

Anonymous said...

David: If a representation or genre is commonly accepted as not being realistic, because that isn't its function or intention, then whether the public is being duped or not doesn't enter into it. It's simply another stylistic abstraction or graphic tradition. In 19th century illustration, Jesus was an Aryan with long, blond, wavy hair and a spaced-out smile. There hasn't been a "Belgian Blue" tradition of representation of Christ, but that's just an artefact of the vagaries of art history - there might have been one, and it's not per se more absurd than "ever-youthful beefcake Augustus" or "Aryan Jesus".

Richard said...

"God's sacrifice of Jesus is what makes humankind worthy of Heaven, so if Jesus broke free of the cross and smashed it with his mighty muscles, that would defeat the whole purpose. There would be no sacrifice, and no redemption of humankind"

If Jesus had escaped the cross before dying, most modern Christian traditions would say it undermines the sacrifice*. But I don't think most people see this picture that way. Instead, Jesus “breaks free” through resurrection. It's a metaphor, dawg.

*Side-note: In Nestorian-derived branches of Christianity like Islam, this scenario is fully acceptable. The Quran states it was only an illusion that Jesus died on the cross:
“Our hearts are unreceptive!”—it is Allah Who has sealed their hearts for their disbelief, so they do not believe except for a few— and for their denial and outrageous accusation against Mary, and for boasting, “We killed the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, the messenger of Allah.” But they neither killed nor crucified him—it was only made to appear so. Even those who argue for this crucifixion are in doubt. They have no knowledge whatsoever—only making assumptions. They certainly did not kill him. Rather, Allah raised him up to Himself. And Allah is Almighty, All-Wise. Every one of the People of the Book will definitely believe in him before his death. And on the Day of Judgment Jesus will be a witness against them."

"PS-- there's no need to stray beyond the Bible itself. Go back and read the sermon on the mount."

Christianity is more than the Bible, and Jesus is more than the Sermon on the Mount. The Sermon on the Mount, Bible-focused hippie-Jesus Christianity you're referring to is called Protestantism. Vallejo was a Catholic.

Catholic Christianity, the dominant kind through history did not read the Bible until recently. Rather, Christianity was a beautiful living faith shaped by poems, prayers, paintings, traditions, the folk wisdom of priests, legends about saints, rumors about magic cups, and stories of miracles—more so than by any boring book about a rabbi. It was like Hinduism in its beauty back then. It waged wars, built splendorous gilded cathedrals, and filled tome after tome with stories of magic.

Vallejo, to me, is just getting back to that with muscle Jesus. This is making Christianity fun again, a real faith again. This is what it's all about.

Laurence John said...

Jesus performed miracles such as turning water into wine, and making a blind man see. Do you really think If he wanted to smash a cross without the nails slipping out first, or make the cross break in an unconvincing way, he couldn’t ? Dream on. He could do anything. That’s why Boris didn’t worry about petty things like physics with this one.

Anonymous said...

Dave I hate to tell you but there's no difference between Christianity and politics in the US anymore. Christian nationalists have given up caring about the teachings of Jesus. They decided to kiss the ass of satan instead. The lying rapist cheeto-god gives them permission to hate, which is what they wanted all along.

Anonymous said...

Make Islam Fun Again. I'd wear the hat.

Anonymous said...

Nobody is hating. Just objecting to the sterilising and mutilation of kids who don't conform to sex-stereotypes - by the collusion of pharma, dodgy pych founded on the work of child abuser Dr. John Money, and the Democrats. Gender identity doesn't exist, it's a fiction; but for that lot it parallels a religion, or at least used in many ways as one by them. Caligula couldn't have dreamt one better.
Ken-doll genital nullification, anyone ?

Anonymous said...

I do hate the c__ts who are carrying it out, though, and the politicians, celebrities and media who've been proselytising it. Whether you're talking about satanic from either a literal or metaphorical standpoint, they qualify.

Anonymous said...

Uhm, maybe not.........

David Apatoff said...

I'm glad to see we're dragging Islam into this discussion too. I'd hate to think we were failing to antagonize any interest group.

Richard, maybe we could resolve the sectarian differences you describe using the same technique Pope Innocent III employed to make "Christianity fun again" in the 13th century, by hiring German mercenaries to massacre half a million Christians in France because they dared to deviate from Catholic orthodoxy. The Cathar heretics who had the audacity to die before the mercenaries arrived were dug up and burned again for good measure. Surely that's what they deserved for unduly focusing on the lord's prayer from the sermon on the mount.

David Apatoff said...

One of my favorite intellectuals of the 20th century, Arthur Koestler, wrote a novel about a symposium of the world's greatest scientists, philosophers and sociologists who convened in Switzerland to see if they could map any way for the human race to survive the forces of nuclear proliferation, environmental disaster, etc. They came together with an urgent common purpose, yet gradually their mission is foiled by their own petty jealousies, suspicions, sexual desires, resentments-- a microcosm in their own DNA of the larger problems they were trying to solve.

OK, I get that. But can someone explain why the mere mention of a buffoon like Trump should cause cultured and mature people to come to blows? He seems to be the apple of Paris in any discussion.

chris bennett said...

Jesus performed miracles such as turning water into wine, and making a blind man see. Do you really think If he wanted to smash a cross without the nails slipping out first, or make the cross break in an unconvincing way, he couldn’t ? Dream on. He could do anything. That’s why Boris didn’t worry about petty things like physics with this one.

So, Jesus on the cross thinks to himself: "Having not saved myself with a miracle to avoid winding up nailed to this thing, it's about time I performed one... The world needs a sign of some sort I suppose... I know! I'll break this cross without the nails pulling through my hands and alter the structure of this wood so it looks all wrong when I do, and by not sacrificing myself I also break the foundation stone of the entire corpus of Christianity. Yay!"

Anonymous said...

The Democrat party is full of buffoons playacting as statesmen. Rep. Steve Cohen Brought a bucket of fried chicken to a hearing to indicate that the witness was a "chicken" for not showing up to his contrived-for-tv Moscow Show Trial. Democrats lie all the time. They abuse power all the time. They act in disgusting ways in private and then get their media to cover for them. Most of them are on the corporate take as bad as the old guard republicans.Yet Trump (a multibillionaire "buffoon" who manages to be unbelievably successful in multiple, highly-competitive complex domains all over the world) seems to get your goat to such a greater degree that it is obviously some psychological issue YOU have - or ideological issue - that is at work.

The issue isn't Trump. The issue is why TDS infects you and your ilk so badly that it is actually causing YOU to believe obvious and even dangerous lies from those you perceive to be on your side, to see reality upside down and backwards, and to actively work to screw up the country in the process. Why is it NEVER YOU that is the problem? Are you that arrogant that such a thought is unimaginable? (I think you are.)

Anonymous said...


"Rapist" is a Democrat hoax, sir. All the multitude of women who came forward in 2016 disappeared without a trace. Did you not notice? The point was the public accusation, not the truth. That's how the slander tactics (Hatecraft) from evil power-hungry people go.

E. Jean Carroll, the only remaining contender, is obviously mentally unstable, see: (see also the footage of her laying on the floor on national television with her legs in the air, and the 7 rapes she's claimed to have suffered without ever filing a police report) The "rape" aspect of her case was entirely dismissed.

You should know, since you're so well informed and smart, her case was entirely brought to light and funded by Billionaire Reid Hoffman, who not only held fundraisers at his house for Joe Biden, but was a frequent visitor to Epstein's island, including on the day after his conviction. So maybe wake the f u to what is actually going on in leftist politics.

This is the lawfare of the now almost entirely evil woke-corporate Democrat party. They run dirty political tricks through the formerly real media which they have entirely captured.

And regarding Trump's lying (they themselves lie all the time) , the real issue the "Libtards In Charge" have with Trump is not his lies, but his blunt truth telling. Liberals cannot stand reality, that's why they want total control over it and want to change it in the image of their sacred beliefs and neuroses. (They also can't stand his effectiveness. And that he isn't some midwit bookworm who spends all his time accumulating references from literature and media so he seems smart to others. Or genuflecting to the Klaus Schwabs and George Soroses of the world; the globalist Bond Villains who put their pinkies up when they eat and say the nice things they like to hear in order to influence Davos Men to propagandize the ceding of American sovereignty to them.)

Laurence John said...

Sarcasm fail.

Movieac said...

David, you should know by now that MAGA supporters are notoriously thin-skinned and incapable of tolerating any critique of their idol, Trump

Anonymous said...

Movieac - some MAGA supporters are like that, they have a kind of hero worship complex about Trump. More often though, they just detest people like you who project their own failures and jealousies outward and link up with political demagogues who manipulate that tendency and guide it towards the political ends they would like to accomplish. Usually poeple like you don't really hate Trump. You actually hate reality. And your place in it. And probably your own father, or lack of a father. And you interpret people trying to get that through your head as being "thin skinned" regarding Trump.

Anonymous said...

Criticise him where merited by all means - it's not as if the DT doesn't provide enough openings. It's the projection onto him of everyones particular bugaboo that jars. Or the tarring of people who voted for him as idiots - and anyone who takes that Stretch Armstrong image seriously, non tongue-in-cheek obviously is an idiot, but then so is anyone in the other camp who enlarge that contingent as representative of people who voted for him as a whole.
Things have gotten pretty bad, and it looks more to me that a lot of people see Trump as an emergency measure to halt or reverse the decline, rather than buying into the whole thing. Leaving aside whether that's a realistic outcome or not, level-headed Trump-sceptics could do worse that look honestly at some of their own 'side' and address some of the messed up stuff that people are objecting to. Rather than exaggerating - or mischaracterising - the mote and missing their own plank, and all that.

Anonymous said...

Koestler's good. He seemed to be aware of the senior individuals of the bureaucratic apparatus of the third reich defecting to the west (Arrival & Departure ?), dropping their nationalistic angle, but keeping the anti-democratic and totalitarianism-directed drive.
He also saw the same rot in the core of communism that he'd supported. The two strands met down the line somewhere, and are with us still.

David Apatoff said...

Apologies, my bad for re-igniting the discussion by referring to Trump as a "buffoon." I didn't mean his political positions, I really meant his clownish personal behavior-- pretending to be his own press agent and calling newspapers to brag about Trump's sex life; arranging a fake bidder to bid up the price of Trump's portrait at a charity auction, and then illegally using $60,000 from his "charity" to pay for it; obsessively repeating lies about the size of his audience at a speech; commissioning a fake Time Magazine cover to display in his hotels long before he was on a real one; even the garish extravagances like gold plated seat belts.

It may be that Trump's fiscal policy and international nuclear diplomacy will be the political salvation of the country-- I wasn't intending to comment on that. But it would be pretty hard to dispute that his personal behavior is clownish.

Richard said...

Richard, maybe we could resolve the sectarian differences you describe using the same technique Pope Innocent III employed to make "Christianity fun again" in the 13th century, by hiring German mercenaries to massacre half a million Christians in France because they dared to deviate from Catholic orthodoxy. The Cathar heretics who [...] unduly focusing on the lord's prayer from the sermon on the mount.

Not at all sure what you're getting at. That Christian belief has included killing Cathars? Not sure how that disputes what I was saying at all, that seems to support it. Clearly if killing Cathars can be Christianity, then muscle jesus can too.

And I don't believe this was central to your point, but I would point out that the Cathars' heresy was not the Lord's Prayer. It was saying that the god of the old testament/Yahweh was actually the Devil, and that Jesus came to defeat Yahweh and set humanity free from cycles of reincarnation.

Anonymous said...

Granted, a muchness of it.

MORAN said...

I joined here late and missed the fun. Don't forget that Trump can't find anyone for his cabinet who isn't a rapist, a drunk or an ex-con. Trump is not a drunk, just a rapist and a con.

Anonymous said...

Figures that MORON is die hard shitlib who believes every dumb lie he's told on the teevee.

Anonymous said...

The "first-ever female four-star admiral", in fact !! Even more remarkably, this achievement came after fathering children. Beat that, regular chicks.
Professor of pediatrics and psychiatry .... (holy shit).... His (non-hostile) bio also tells me, quote, "he turned into a woman".
Actually 'female'. Sorry, folks, it's just too much 😂

mark said...

This is all hot stuff. To the frothing Trump devotee(s): Brother, your man won; try to find some happiness in that and relax for a while. Maybe think about taking a break from your important comment-thread work, too. Try focusing on things you love rather than things you love to hate.

Anonymous said...

Mark, you forgot to say "touch grass". If you're going to be passive aggressive and superior in the most derivative way possible, please be more thorough in laying out the requisite clichés.

mark said...

Suit yourself. Keep stoking that anger no matter what. I'm sure your family loves that about you.

Anonymous said...

Touch grass Mark. You'll be okay. The situation here is under control. Don't let anxiety get the best of you. Just try to breathe, okay? Just think good thoughts. Breathe. That's it.

David Apatoff said...

I suppose I should've anticipated that a discussion of a macho picture of Trump would inevitably gravitate to an attack on trans people.

While I have no expertise in this field, I suspect most people would agree that because trans medical technology is relatively new, it will take more time and experience for people to reach a solid consensus on how, when, and to what extent it should be used (and how the laws might need to change to address the new phenomenon). Until then, we can expect a vigorous debate, with conflicting "facts" flying back and forth. One can only hope that the debate can be conducted responsibly, with a minimal amount of fear and rage.

Since this is a blog that focuses on the importance of visual images and content, I don't mind adding that I question the judgment of someone who ridicules a transgender four star admiral with a long and stellar academic and professional record because she looks unusual to you, while supporting a Secretary of Defense with no relevant expertise in the most crucial aspects of the job and a deeply flawed personal history, but who looks macho on TV .

Movieac said...

Oh David, now you’ve done it. You’ve opened the floodgates. Let the countdown begin.

Anonymous said...

Funny guy, movieac.

Anonymous said...

Science is based on establishing and understanding what is true.
Unlike legal practice - and politics - which has devolved into using and abusing what you can to achieve an end.

And the science here is established
, it can't be altered by forced convention, precedent, or the diktats of coteries on their member-network, who use their power as leverage on their career viability.
Every cell in your body declares your sex. Even in the case of those with anomalies (so-called 'intersex') the sex is easily established. Science - real Science - does not replace taxonomic categories based on the concrete and material with those based on subjective beliefs and 'identities'.

There is nothing "flying back and forth". Other than attempts to conflate cultural constructions (gender-based roles, stereotypes accoutrements) with sex, and to make piles of cash out of it. Hence the overturning of rationality, & adherence to fact and ethics in law, medicine and pharmacy.
Kids who are the victims of this are lucrative, lifelong cash-cows. People in these professions are prepared to go along with this because it has proved lucrative/expedient for them to support Tricky Dicky-Levine and all the rest of the autogynephiles using kids as a veneer, (even a type of human shield, see below), to make what is their own adult fetish an accepted part of the social establishment.
Look at the link above on the 'non binary' surgery. Look at those diagrams. Follow the links it gives to the clinics providing these surgeries and you'll see more.  The reference to 'gender euphoria' they refer to about 'non-binary' males growing breasts is a euphemism they use for onanimistic sexual arousal.  Some provide gender-chimera options  -  both a penis and vagina on the same patient. One (Miami?) sugeon, Dr. Sidhbh Gallagher,  has a tic-tok where she brags about how many healthy breasts she has cut off her tom-boy victims each day, calling it "yeet the teets", and dubs herself "Dr. Teetus-Deletus"

This shit is Mengelian.

Muscle are stripped from the forearms of girls to construct a flesh tube with no erogenous function, creating a permanent likelihood of infection that has to be pharmaceutically staved off ($ker-ching), often goes gangene and not infrequently falls off. With boys, part of the rectal tissue is frequently used to create a 'neo-vagina', which, victims of the surgery complain, retains several of the characteristics of its original function. Alternative options require daily mechanical dilation to prevent self-sealing.
Incontinence is widespread for both males and females. Both need lifelong hormones and other medication ($$$ Ker-Chang !)
Over eighty percent of teens given puberty-blockers go on to take cross sex hormones. If they don't get them, desistence from the juvenile 'gender dysphoria' (actually a vanishingly rare condition that has been purloined to cover a multitiude of typical anxieties that occur during normal growing-up) is pretty much absolute. Within a short amount of time, those kids on the cross sex hormones will have acquired numerous physical ailments such as bone density loss, atrophy of the endocrine system (which, among other things, regulates brain development), & sterilisation (reproductive. But also large impact on sexual function). And, in a near statistical mirror, about eighty percent of those who took the cross sex hormones go on for surgery (which actually HAS been carried out on minors), seeking an unattainable and non-existent goal, driving for a resolution to the ruin on their bodies the lies of this ideology have caused.
The statistics don't lie - the "treatment" has created the pathology.

Anonymous said...

And it didn't even begin with the puberty-blockers. This is being taught to kids in scools, parroted as fact by Democrat politicians, and in various sectors such as entertainment.
Including, too, the public obeisances to the ideology carried out by those in other professions with profiles.
Who signal their loyalty by calling Richard Levine "she".
They all are contributing to the mass-grooming of kids into this ideology.

When speaking about human beings, sex and gender are synonymous - there is no seperate category for a 'gender' in this context, it doesn't exist. Gender identity is an insubstantiality (on a par with Furry identities).
English uses sex-based pronouns. We tolerate exceptions to this in play, such as with the matronly Widow Twankey on the stage in a pantomime, with a knowing wink shared by all, including the children.
Or, perhaps,  when a lawyer's talking to his yacht in the third person; "She puts the lacquer on her hull or else she gets the hose again..."

When did people forget that there have always been men who pretended to be women for gratification ? Granted, sometimes men have internalised female archetypes through feeling unable to connect with women otherwise, the more innocent kind just adopting their female ideals like masks, but they knew they weren't women. What is more common today with the pathology of online voyeurism, they 'becoming the participants' in the porn they watch, but believing it, and taking it out into the real world. Which is expected to upturn itself to accomodate an unreality based on a sexual perversion - men believing they are lesbians.

And then there's the impact this has had on women. Not sure what the US figures are, but in Canada, the UK and Australia 17-circa 20% of male prison inmates are in there for sexual offenses - rape, paedophila, child porn. The rate among their male 'transwomen' population runs at three times that percentage. So either these men are either using 'trans' to access women and children, or people with the paraphilias associatedvwith 'trans' - and they themselves admit to autogynephia as "part of the trans umbrella" - are more likely to commit these sort of offenses. Judging from what Reduxx reports - ; - it looks like a little from column A, a little more from column B .
(They have also found a startling correlation between sex criminals and non-'transgender' pro-trans rights campaigners and politicians. Not to mention the primary global Transgender group, the World Professional Society for Transgender Health, working with many of them....and collaborating with a sexual fetish organisation that exists to share erotica of what they call 'forced feminisation' -the torture and castration of males, often minors; sometimes fiction stories but also photos and videos. WPATH are the bedrock of the medical and pschiatric trans industry, they advised govts, incl the Dems, on all this.
This was behind WPATH designating 'eunuch' as a gender identity. )

Anonymous said...

Far from "ridicul[ing]" Richard Levine because he  "looks unusual", I was calling out the bullshit you went on to parrott and reinforce. I suspect, know in fact, due to how it has been presented and paraded by Biden's administration, that his latter position has less to do with a 'long and stellar academic and professional record' than it does a very deliberate signalling of their adherence and commitment to a lunatic ideology. 

I have no idea who your current 'macho' Defense guy is, so I've idea what you're talking about with that.
I do know, though, that an elderly married old man with kids with a penchant for wearing panties is a just a dirty old bastard, and consider it a duty to ridicule him, and those who go along with this.
Because the rupture in rationality , the divorce from reality, has collossally damaging consequences for society as a whole, of a kind that Orwell had the merest inkling. Not least of which being the worst and most widespread phenomenon of child and youth abuse ever committed. Eclipsing even the child rapes carried out by the church, the kids then weren't primed for abuse from kindergarten, nor did society have an ideologucal apparatus in existence which encouraged and celebrated it.

I don't see Trump as a bonafide solution to any of this, but for those who do, I can see where they're coming from.

Especially when people start to play Prince Valiant to this particular Damsel in Distress -

"The US Assistant Secretary of Health for the Department of Health and Human Services reportedly pressured the world’s top transgender health authority to remove all objective age restrictions for the medical ‘transitioning’ of minors in their latest and 8th edition of guidelines, the Standards of Care (SOC-8)."

Anonymous said...

[ < 'autogynephLIia as "part of the ...', etc ]

Anonymous said...

(That, above, was a spelling correction to a section of the comment that was between the two, above, but has vanished, apparently gone to google's naughty corner)

Anonymous said...

Thanks anon. De-smugging dangerously credulous "liberals" who are so high on their bloody compassion that they can't see how they are being manipulated by the worst most disgusting people imaginable is a very important service.

I don't think you mentioned the epidemic of demented "progressive" mothers involved in what is now colloquially called "Transhausen By Proxy". Studies all show that the overwhelming majority of mothers whose children "transition" turn out to have Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Cluster B Personality disorder or Dark Triad. Some large percentage are also on psych meds.

These miserable women crave attention for themselves from The Left for having trans children. 'Trans' as a badge of political correctness and postmodern defiance of normative sexual attitudes, which they were brainwashed into by radical delusional activists in college and in media. So they then actively brainwash their children into thinking they are a different gender and encourage chemical castration, the "mendelian" surgeries, and therapy. So they get the attention their narcissism craves.

Trans adults have also shown marked tendencies toward narcissism and exhibitionism and poor impulse control. Which is just why they parade their kinks in public. The idea of putting one of these people in charge of public health, as the corrupt and delusional Biden regime did, is mind boggling. Of course he/she/it - the dude in a dress - encouraged the whole 'trans movement." And all its insidious lies, predation, butchery, and grifting.

And of course, every pedophile going now realizes they can get protection to do their predatory thing by just changing clothes and saying they're trans.

This whole thing is so disgusting it is beyond belief. And anybody who defends it in any measure is shameful. In time, all the smug dimwits who tried to put down other people as bigots for dealing with this disaster head on and all the psycho-sexual freaks preying on children and their credulous narcissistic mothers will pretend they never tried to defend it.

Anonymous said...

"epidemic of demented "progressive" mothers"

Yep, and the calculating bitch celebrities, who know exactly what they're doing and why they're doing it with their 'trans-kid' handbags/accessorising.

Anonymous said...

EDITED to remove flagged words so this post doesn't get censored:

Thanks Anon 1. De-smugging dangerously credulous "liberals" who are so high on their bloody compassion that they can't see how they are being manipulated by the worst most disgusting people imaginable is a very important service.

I don't think you mentioned the epidemic of demented "progressive" mothers involved in what is now colloquially called "Transhausen By Proxy". Studies all show that the overwhelming majority of mothers whose children "tr@nsition" turn out to have Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Cluster B Personality disorder or Dark Triad. Some large percentage are also on psych meds.

These deranged women crave attention for themselves from The Radical Left for having tr@ns children. 'Tr@ns' as a badge of political correctness and postmodern defiance of normative sexu@l attitudes, a position which they were brainwashed into by radical delusional qveer activists in college and in media. So they then actively brainwash their children into thinking they are a different gender and encourage chemical castration, the "mengelian" surgeries, and therapy. So they get the attention their narcissism craves.

Tr@ns adults have also shown marked tendencies toward narcissism and exhibitionism and poor impulse control. Which is just why they parade their k!nks in public. The idea of putting one of these people in charge of public health, as the corrupt and delusional Biden regime did - full of woke morons - is mind boggling. Of course he/she/it - the ugly dude in a dress - encouraged the whole 'tr@ns movement." And all its insidious lies, predation, butchery, and grifting. Qveers want to spread qveerness. They like psycho-sexual trauma.

And of course, every p&d0phile going now realizes they can get protection from idiot liberals who long to "do good in the world" so they can do their child predatory thing by just changing clothes and saying they're tr@ns.

This whole thing is so disgusting it is beyond belief. And anybody who defends it or any trans figure or activist involved in any measure is shameful. In time, all the smug smug dimwits who tried to put down other people as bigots for dealing with this disaster head on and all the psycho-sexu@l fre@ks preying on children and their credulous narcissistic mothers will pretend they never tried to defend it in the first place. That's the way it always goes.

Anonymous said...

(contd: '..."treatment" has created the pathology....)

And it didn't even begin with the puberty-blockers. This is being taught to kids in scools, parroted as fact by Democrat politicians, and in various sectors such as entertainment.
Including, too, the public obeisances to the ideology carried out by those in other professions with profiles.
Who signal their loyalty by calling Richard Levine "she".
They all are contributing to the mass-grooming of kids into this ideology.

When speaking about human beings, sex and gender are synonymous - there is no seperate category for a 'gender' in this context, it doesn't exist. Gender identity is an insubstantiality (on a par with Furry identities, or thetans).
English uses sex-based pronouns for people. We tolerate exceptions to this in play, such as with the matronly Widow Twankey on the stage in a pantomime, with a knowing wink shared by all, including the children.
Or, perhaps,  when a lawyer's talking to his yacht in the third person; "She puts the lacquer on her hull or else she gets the hose again..."

When did people forget that there have always been men who pretended to be women for gratification ? Granted, sometimes men have internalised female archetypes through feeling unable to connect with women otherwise, the more innocent kind just adopting their female ideals like masks, but they knew they weren't women. But what is more common today with the pathology of online voyeurism, is a fantasy of 'becoming the participants' in the porn they watch, but believing it, and taking it out into the real world. Which is expected to upturn itself to accomodate an unreality based on a sexual perversion - men believing they are lesbians.
And then there's the impact this has had on women. Not sure what the US figures are, but in Canada, the UK and Australia 17- circa20% of male prison inmates are in there for sexual offenses - r*pe, p**dophila, child p*rn. The rate among their incarcerated male 'transwomen' population runs at three times that percentage. So either these men are either using 'trans' to access women and children, or people with the paraphilias associated with 'trans' - and they themselves admit to autogynephia as "part of the trans umbrella" - are more likely to commit these sort of offenses. Judging from what Reduxx reports - ; - it looks like a little from column A, a little more from column B .
(They have also found a startling correlation between sex crime and non-'transgender' pro-trans rights campaigners and politicians. Not to mention the primary global Transgender group, the World Professional Society for Transgender Health, working with many of them....and collaborating with a sexual fetish organisation that exists to share erotica of what they call 'forced feminisation' - the torture and non-consensual castration of males, often minors; sometimes fiction stories but also photos and videos. Cannibalistic elements seem to be common.
WPATH are the bedrock of the medical and pschiatric trans industry, they advised govts, incl the Dems, on all this.
This was behind WPATH designating 'eunuch' as a gender identity. )

David Apatoff said...

Anonymous-- Thanks for alerting me that a portion of your comment had "apparently gone to google's naughty corner." I checked and indeed found it in the spam folder. I have now released it. My apologies. We don't censor content around here.

Anonymous said...

The system is broken so let's vote for someone who will shit all over the broken pieces. Trump supporters sicken me.

Anonymous said...

You're welcome.
By the way, I'd never said Dick Levine "looks unusual", I was concentrating my aim on the other carp in the barrel of this whole farrago - pretending these men are female and lauding them as winners/firsts in categories reserved for females.
That unconscious projection was yours alone, which might tell us any number of things 🤔....

(But, yeah, sure - she's an ugly bastard.)

Anonymous said...

To vote for Trump, it's not enough to be stupid and hateful. You also have to be paranoid and an enemy of the constitution.

Lucas Machias said...

"Fascism is all about strength."

A line I remember from the book and that 'art' that shows he was right.

I have seen Trump depicted as a superhero many times.
I read that he knows how his minions think and after his covid recovery he had plans to rip his shirt open to show a superman S on his flabby chest. I wish he had. How stupid would that have looked. Someone likely talked him out of it.

Anonymous said...

Yawn. 'Fascism' hyperbole.

Trump is an ass, but this is marvellous news -

Common sense wins the day.