Sunday, January 12, 2025


I love Mark Borgions' picture of a gorilla:

 At first it looks like it's all about the design:  the simple, flat geometric shapes, the bold colors, that striking composition-from-above-- yup, this has the kind of power you can achieve with pure, uncompromised design.

Yet, underneath these abstract shapes there's a great deal of observation about the forms being captured.  That head seemingly so reckless and unbridled perfectly captures the prognathic shape of a gorilla skull.  The powerful turned wrists and curled fingers are an excellent observation about a knuckle walking simian; Borgions even highlight the opposable thumbs.  The immense forearms which dominate the picture reflect the perfect prioritization for an animal with all its strength and size in its arms, and comparatively little in its small hindquarters.  The hindquarters, you'll note, have been omitted altogether. 

Many people view abstract design as being at odds with representational image making, but Borgions shows how a smart, talented artist can make a strong image accommodating both.

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